Doubt Kills, Failure Does Not


I was having a chat with a friend recently about the things he had gone through before he became the person who he is today (extremely impressive). He chatted about how literally not one person supported him, his dreams and decisions (including his family). He spoke of the sacrifices he had to make while in pursuit of his dream/passion… #RESPECT.

It is one of the most frustrating and hurtful things to be discouraged from something that gives you purpose from people that mean so much to you.

When you’re pursuing your dreams/passion you have to become your own motivator, therapist, mentor and best friend.

If you haven’t noticed by now, my passion is this blog and connecting with the people who are passionate about personal development and luvv (dating and relationships).

I didn’t tell anyone I was going to start a blog. Thinking back to the weekend when I created this blog, I’m actually saying ‘WTF’ to myself. I don’t even know what I was thinking. I had no plan. I didn’t have  a vision. I just had a message I knew I needed to get out, a name I liked (Self Care Every Damn Day) and a color I loved (lol, pink).

I purchased the domain, created the website and changed the entire design at least four times within two days and I launched it on the third day. Over achiever? No, my friends, that is not what this is.

This is a mixture of passion and intuition. Passion behind and within the message I had and the intuition that told me to just DO/CREATE/LAUNCH. There was nothing else to it. I didn’t ask anyone, tell anyone or even share it with anyone until I launched it to the public. I had one voice and opinion in my head which made my decisions very clear. I didn’t go back and forth on my choice nor did I allow for anyone to doubt my decisions and project their fears onto what I was doing.

Why am I telling you all this?

I’ve learned that when your family members, peers or anyone questions, doubts and cautions you about following something you deeply want to experience, it is because they are projecting their fears onto you. They are afraid of the amount of work it would take, the sacrifices that may have to be made, the possible failure, the change and starting something new.

But you are not. You understand that the pain of not trying would be far greater than failure, sacrifice and hard work. Or maybe, you just know that the happiness and sense of purpose you receive from your passion out weighs any fearful thought.

This is why it is SO important to be conscious about who you are telling/sharing your dreams and ideas with. In an instant, that fearful person has the ability to fragment your confidence and that is enough to send you down the rabbit hole of doubt.

I will not discredit the emotions behind failure. Those are very real and very hard. But this is what I know: If you tie your identity to the success/failure of your passion/dreams, it will be VERY challenging to overcome these emotions.

Unsuccessful people do not persist when life becomes challenging. They retreat to comfort and do not progress onward.

Successful people know or actively choose to believe that failure is a ‘redirect’ or an opportunity to begin again and look forward to something greater within their ‘redirect’ or new opportunity.

I want to see more people pursuing their dreams in 2020. My best advice for doing so is to seek advice or look to people who are actively pursuing their own dreams. But most importantly… stop sharing your ideas and desires with people who do not understand them and are therefore afraid of them. Remember this always… doubt kills, failure does not.

Check out these 10 famous failure to success stories.

Cheers to a new year and a new decade 🥂. LES GET IT 🌟.

With love,
xX, Stephanie

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I was having a chat with a friend recently about the things he had gone through before he became the person who he is today (extremely impressive). He chatted about how literally not one person supported him, his dreams and decisions (including his family). He spoke of the sacrifices he had to make while in pursuit of his dream/passion… #RESPECT.

It is one of the most frustrating and hurtful things to be discouraged from something that gives you purpose from people that mean so much to you.

When you’re pursuing your dreams/passion you have to become your own motivator, therapist, mentor and best friend.

If you haven’t noticed by now, my passion is this blog and connecting with the people who are passionate about personal development and luvv (dating and relationships).

I didn’t tell anyone I was going to start a blog. Thinking back to the weekend when I created this blog, I’m actually saying ‘WTF’ to myself. I don’t even know what I was thinking. I had no plan. I didn’t have  a vision. I just had a message I knew I needed to get out, a name I liked (Self Care Every Damn Day) and a color I loved (lol, pink).

I purchased the domain, created the website and changed the entire design at least four times within two days and I launched it on the third day. Over achiever? No, my friends, that is not what this is.

This is a mixture of passion and intuition. Passion behind and within the message I had and the intuition that told me to just DO/CREATE/LAUNCH. There was nothing else to it. I didn’t ask anyone, tell anyone or even share it with anyone until I launched it to the public. I had one voice and opinion in my head which made my decisions very clear. I didn’t go back and forth on my choice nor did I allow for anyone to doubt my decisions and project their fears onto what I was doing.

Why am I telling you all this?

I’ve learned that when your family members, peers or anyone questions, doubts and cautions you about following something you deeply want to experience, it is because they are projecting their fears onto you. They are afraid of the amount of work it would take, the sacrifices that may have to be made, the possible failure, the change and starting something new.

But you are not. You understand that the pain of not trying would be far greater than failure, sacrifice and hard work. Or maybe, you just know that the happiness and sense of purpose you receive from your passion out weighs any fearful thought.

This is why it is SO important to be conscious about who you are telling/sharing your dreams and ideas with. In an instant, that fearful person has the ability to fragment your confidence and that is enough to send you down the rabbit hole of doubt.

I will not discredit the emotions behind failure. Those are very real and very hard. But this is what I know: If you tie your identity to the success/failure of your passion/dreams, it will be VERY challenging to overcome these emotions.

Unsuccessful people do not persist when life becomes challenging. They retreat to comfort and do not progress onward.

Successful people know or actively choose to believe that failure is a ‘redirect’ or an opportunity to begin again and look forward to something greater within their ‘redirect’ or new opportunity.

I want to see more people pursuing their dreams in 2020. My best advice for doing so is to seek advice or look to people who are actively pursuing their own dreams. But most importantly… stop sharing your ideas and desires with people who do not understand them and are therefore afraid of them. Remember this always… doubt kills, failure does not.

Check out these 10 famous failure to success stories.

Cheers to a new year and a new decade 🥂. LES GET IT 🌟.

With love,
xX, Stephanie

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Mark As Junk

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I was having a chat with a friend recently about the things he had gone through before he became the person who he is today (extremely impressive). He chatted about how literally not one person supported him, his dreams and decisions (including his family). He spoke of the sacrifices he had to make while in pursuit of his dream/passion… #RESPECT.

It is one of the most frustrating and hurtful things to be discouraged from something that gives you purpose from people that mean so much to you.

When you’re pursuing your dreams/passion you have to become your own motivator, therapist, mentor and best friend.

If you haven’t noticed by now, my passion is this blog and connecting with the people who are passionate about personal development and luvv (dating and relationships).

I didn’t tell anyone I was going to start a blog. Thinking back to the weekend when I created this blog, I’m actually saying ‘WTF’ to myself. I don’t even know what I was thinking. I had no plan. I didn’t have  a vision. I just had a message I knew I needed to get out, a name I liked (Self Care Every Damn Day) and a color I loved (lol, pink).

I purchased the domain, created the website and changed the entire design at least four times within two days and I launched it on the third day. Over achiever? No, my friends, that is not what this is.

This is a mixture of passion and intuition. Passion behind and within the message I had and the intuition that told me to just DO/CREATE/LAUNCH. There was nothing else to it. I didn’t ask anyone, tell anyone or even share it with anyone until I launched it to the public. I had one voice and opinion in my head which made my decisions very clear. I didn’t go back and forth on my choice nor did I allow for anyone to doubt my decisions and project their fears onto what I was doing.

Why am I telling you all this?

I’ve learned that when your family members, peers or anyone questions, doubts and cautions you about following something you deeply want to experience, it is because they are projecting their fears onto you. They are afraid of the amount of work it would take, the sacrifices that may have to be made, the possible failure, the change and starting something new.

But you are not. You understand that the pain of not trying would be far greater than failure, sacrifice and hard work. Or maybe, you just know that the happiness and sense of purpose you receive from your passion out weighs any fearful thought.

This is why it is SO important to be conscious about who you are telling/sharing your dreams and ideas with. In an instant, that fearful person has the ability to fragment your confidence and that is enough to send you down the rabbit hole of doubt.

I will not discredit the emotions behind failure. Those are very real and very hard. But this is what I know: If you tie your identity to the success/failure of your passion/dreams, it will be VERY challenging to overcome these emotions.

Unsuccessful people do not persist when life becomes challenging. They retreat to comfort and do not progress onward.

Successful people know or actively choose to believe that failure is a ‘redirect’ or an opportunity to begin again and look forward to something greater within their ‘redirect’ or new opportunity.

I want to see more people pursuing their dreams in 2020. My best advice for doing so is to seek advice or look to people who are actively pursuing their own dreams. But most importantly… stop sharing your ideas and desires with people who do not understand them and are therefore afraid of them. Remember this always… doubt kills, failure does not.

Check out these 10 famous failure to success stories.

Cheers to a new year and a new decade 🥂. LES GET IT 🌟.

With love,
xX, Stephanie

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