FREE: 11 themes and 50 journaling prompts for beginners


When I began journaling/writing, the goal was never to become a better writer, or even a writer… my goal was to become a better thinker… a clearer thinker and communicator. Each time I wrote or typed I was processing my emotions, thoughts and experiences while my mind was expanding with new perspectives. Writing slows down time. You become SO present, connected and receptive. Honestly, it’s really fcking powerful.

Writing/journaling has had a profound impact on my life and I hope these prompts have a positive impact on yours.

The following prompts are merely suggestions to dig a bit deeper and help you see things from the different perspectives you will develop as you explore your internal word.

The way you decide to answer them is entirely up to you and how you are feeling each day or night. You don’t have to answer all the questions either. I wanted to give you lots of options so you have plenty to resonate with. You could fill a page with just one of these questions within the prompts/themes, or have shorter responses for each question.

Think Less, Write More.

There is no structure to this unless you want there to be. If you don’t know what to write, start by writing, ‘I don’t know what to write’. Things will begin to flow when you think less and judge yourself less throughout this process.

If you have any questions or would like to talk about any breakthroughs, feel free to email me or connect via instagram!

11 Themes and 50 Journaling Prompts:

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When I began journaling/writing, the goal was never to become a better writer, or even a writer… my goal was to become a better thinker… a clearer thinker and communicator. Each time I wrote or typed I was processing my emotions, thoughts and experiences while my mind was expanding with new perspectives. Writing slows down time. You become SO present, connected and receptive. Honestly, it’s really fcking powerful.

Writing/journaling has had a profound impact on my life and I hope these prompts have a positive impact on yours.

The following prompts are merely suggestions to dig a bit deeper and help you see things from the different perspectives you will develop as you explore your internal word.

The way you decide to answer them is entirely up to you and how you are feeling each day or night. You don’t have to answer all the questions either. I wanted to give you lots of options so you have plenty to resonate with. You could fill a page with just one of these questions within the prompts/themes, or have shorter responses for each question.

Think Less, Write More.

There is no structure to this unless you want there to be. If you don’t know what to write, start by writing, ‘I don’t know what to write’. Things will begin to flow when you think less and judge yourself less throughout this process.

If you have any questions or would like to talk about any breakthroughs, feel free to email me or connect via instagram!

11 Themes and 50 Journaling Prompts:

Articles You Won't
Mark As Junk

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When I began journaling/writing, the goal was never to become a better writer, or even a writer… my goal was to become a better thinker… a clearer thinker and communicator. Each time I wrote or typed I was processing my emotions, thoughts and experiences while my mind was expanding with new perspectives. Writing slows down time. You become SO present, connected and receptive. Honestly, it’s really fcking powerful.

Writing/journaling has had a profound impact on my life and I hope these prompts have a positive impact on yours.

The following prompts are merely suggestions to dig a bit deeper and help you see things from the different perspectives you will develop as you explore your internal word.

The way you decide to answer them is entirely up to you and how you are feeling each day or night. You don’t have to answer all the questions either. I wanted to give you lots of options so you have plenty to resonate with. You could fill a page with just one of these questions within the prompts/themes, or have shorter responses for each question.

Think Less, Write More.

There is no structure to this unless you want there to be. If you don’t know what to write, start by writing, ‘I don’t know what to write’. Things will begin to flow when you think less and judge yourself less throughout this process.

If you have any questions or would like to talk about any breakthroughs, feel free to email me or connect via instagram!

11 Themes and 50 Journaling Prompts:

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