24 Ways to Manage Your Anxiety During Quarantine


Guys, my anxiety has been at an all time high recently. And of course, the more awareness I shine on it, the darker my anxiety becomes, classic.

Thankfully, work has been keeping me really busy but my day flies by SO fast. And since I’ve been in the same place all day, come night time, I’m like WTF did I actually do all day? It stresses me out, and then I can’t sleep because I’m stressed and then I think about how long I’ll be up stressing about the sleep I’m losing. You know what I mean?

123 out of 195 people (63%) said they too were struggling with heightened anxiety recently.

I checked in with our instagram community to see if anyone else was experiencing heightened anxiety. These 123 people inspired me to write this article so we can remind ourselves of all the resources we have to ground and relax our mind + body, even when in quarantine.

I believe anxiety and stress are caused by a build up of emotions and therefore, we need a release. Below, I share my personal ways to release these emotions.

1. Journal/ Write

I have never heard anyone say that journaling has made them feel worse. I’ve only heard the opposite. Have you ever felt better after vocalizing something? That’s what journaling does. It’s a form of expression and release. Writing allows you to slow down, process your thoughts, feelings and experiences while expanding your awareness with new perspectives. You become SO present, connected and receptive. Honestly, it’s really fcking powerful.

Writing about your thoughts and feelings is a profound opportunity to become present and grounded. (All things opposite to anxiousness)

2. Drink Less Coffee/Caffeine

Personally, sometimes when I drink coffee or some other caffeinated drink, I get anxious and jittery. Why does this happen? So glad you asked. Coffee is a stimulant. If you are generally an anxious person or sensitive to chemicals (like moi) such as caffeine, it is likely your body will react to this stimulant with the effects of anxiety and increased heart rate. Which really sucks because I have a Nespresso machine and my morning iced coffee with a splash of vanilla almond milk creamer is part of my routine and ritual.

If I’m feeling stressed/ anxious over something, I will try my best to NOT give into my lil’ Nespresso addiction because I know caffeine will only heighten the physiological responses.

3. Drink More Water

Stress can cause dehydration and dehydration can cause stress— it’s a vicious cycle. If you’re hooked on coffee, I suggest upping your water intake. We are comprised of 60% water... so if you’re running low on H2O, your body won’t be optimally digesting, absorbing nor circulating nutrients.

If I start getting the jitters, I will chug some water. I like to think that my body is flushing out the caffeine with the new water I’m digesting/circulating.

4. Breathe

When anxiety begins to hold hands with rapid heart rate, BREATHE. Focus on your breath instead of  what you’re feeling (rapid heart rate). When I’ve experienced this level of anxiety, my full focus goes to my breath and knowing that I can control or at least lessen my physiological response to anxiety/stress with intentional breathing. I deeply believe this, because it works for me.

Extra support:
Sometimes I'll put my hand on my chest/stomach (depending on where the tightness or uneasy feeling is) while deep breathing just to remind myself that I’ve got me. This a direct form of support (similar to a hug) and we have access to it. How cool is that?

5. Practice Awareness/Mindfulness

Are you aware of the things that cause your anxiety? Maybe it’s a toxic relationship (with a friend, family member or intimate partner), self-sabotaging, a scary movie, a high-stakes decision/game or a lack of exercise. YES, ALL of these things can cause major anxiety.

I recently downloaded an app called PokerFace and that shit gives me anxiety. I guess I’m not cut for gambling, lmao. Once I realized this, I began playing less.

When you become aware of who and how certain things affect you, you have a choice between feeding into those toxic things/people or to shift your attention to something that makes you feel good.

Sometimes it’s as simple as not drinking coffee on a morning when you’re already feeling slightly anxious. Awareness is key.

6. Affirmations

Something I’ve been doing recently is reciting affirmations. I say them while I’m breathing intentionally, when I have unwelcoming thoughts/ feelings or to remind myself to continue surrendering to what’s going on around me and shift my focus onto the things that progress me.

Some of my affirmations are:
- I am safe
- My basic needs are met
- I let go in order to let in
- I am resilient and brave
- I am worthy of experiencing greatness
- Things that are meant for me easily come to me
- I am open to receiving love and support
- I am healthy and magnetic
- Creative possibilities are available to me

7. Exercise

A spiritual teacher taught me that in many cases “the opposite is true”. Meaning that, when we hold resistance against doing something (such as working out), that is when we need it the most. When we are low in energy, sulking or anxious, exercising can change our mood.

I wrote an article on how to stay in shape during quarantine, check it out!

Other ways to alleviate anxiety suggested by our Instagram community:

  • CBD - My favorite brand is NanoCraft CBD. Discount code: “selfcare”
  • Meditate
  • Take a walk outside
  • Calling a family member or friend
  • Read a book
  • Cannabis
  • Wine
  • Car ride
  • Taking space/being alone in order to recharge
  • Soaking in the sun
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Listening to music that makes you calm/happy
  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Creating art
  • Deep cleaning
  • Warm showers
  • Hugging your pet(s)

I feel that it is very important for us to stay connected during this time. That being said, check in with friends, family and loved ones... Sometimes love, connection and reassurance is all we need to bring us back into a state of ease.

With love,
Stephanie Daily

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Guys, my anxiety has been at an all time high recently. And of course, the more awareness I shine on it, the darker my anxiety becomes, classic.

Thankfully, work has been keeping me really busy but my day flies by SO fast. And since I’ve been in the same place all day, come night time, I’m like WTF did I actually do all day? It stresses me out, and then I can’t sleep because I’m stressed and then I think about how long I’ll be up stressing about the sleep I’m losing. You know what I mean?

123 out of 195 people (63%) said they too were struggling with heightened anxiety recently.

I checked in with our instagram community to see if anyone else was experiencing heightened anxiety. These 123 people inspired me to write this article so we can remind ourselves of all the resources we have to ground and relax our mind + body, even when in quarantine.

I believe anxiety and stress are caused by a build up of emotions and therefore, we need a release. Below, I share my personal ways to release these emotions.

1. Journal/ Write

I have never heard anyone say that journaling has made them feel worse. I’ve only heard the opposite. Have you ever felt better after vocalizing something? That’s what journaling does. It’s a form of expression and release. Writing allows you to slow down, process your thoughts, feelings and experiences while expanding your awareness with new perspectives. You become SO present, connected and receptive. Honestly, it’s really fcking powerful.

Writing about your thoughts and feelings is a profound opportunity to become present and grounded. (All things opposite to anxiousness)

2. Drink Less Coffee/Caffeine

Personally, sometimes when I drink coffee or some other caffeinated drink, I get anxious and jittery. Why does this happen? So glad you asked. Coffee is a stimulant. If you are generally an anxious person or sensitive to chemicals (like moi) such as caffeine, it is likely your body will react to this stimulant with the effects of anxiety and increased heart rate. Which really sucks because I have a Nespresso machine and my morning iced coffee with a splash of vanilla almond milk creamer is part of my routine and ritual.

If I’m feeling stressed/ anxious over something, I will try my best to NOT give into my lil’ Nespresso addiction because I know caffeine will only heighten the physiological responses.

3. Drink More Water

Stress can cause dehydration and dehydration can cause stress— it’s a vicious cycle. If you’re hooked on coffee, I suggest upping your water intake. We are comprised of 60% water... so if you’re running low on H2O, your body won’t be optimally digesting, absorbing nor circulating nutrients.

If I start getting the jitters, I will chug some water. I like to think that my body is flushing out the caffeine with the new water I’m digesting/circulating.

4. Breathe

When anxiety begins to hold hands with rapid heart rate, BREATHE. Focus on your breath instead of  what you’re feeling (rapid heart rate). When I’ve experienced this level of anxiety, my full focus goes to my breath and knowing that I can control or at least lessen my physiological response to anxiety/stress with intentional breathing. I deeply believe this, because it works for me.

Extra support:
Sometimes I'll put my hand on my chest/stomach (depending on where the tightness or uneasy feeling is) while deep breathing just to remind myself that I’ve got me. This a direct form of support (similar to a hug) and we have access to it. How cool is that?

5. Practice Awareness/Mindfulness

Are you aware of the things that cause your anxiety? Maybe it’s a toxic relationship (with a friend, family member or intimate partner), self-sabotaging, a scary movie, a high-stakes decision/game or a lack of exercise. YES, ALL of these things can cause major anxiety.

I recently downloaded an app called PokerFace and that shit gives me anxiety. I guess I’m not cut for gambling, lmao. Once I realized this, I began playing less.

When you become aware of who and how certain things affect you, you have a choice between feeding into those toxic things/people or to shift your attention to something that makes you feel good.

Sometimes it’s as simple as not drinking coffee on a morning when you’re already feeling slightly anxious. Awareness is key.

6. Affirmations

Something I’ve been doing recently is reciting affirmations. I say them while I’m breathing intentionally, when I have unwelcoming thoughts/ feelings or to remind myself to continue surrendering to what’s going on around me and shift my focus onto the things that progress me.

Some of my affirmations are:
- I am safe
- My basic needs are met
- I let go in order to let in
- I am resilient and brave
- I am worthy of experiencing greatness
- Things that are meant for me easily come to me
- I am open to receiving love and support
- I am healthy and magnetic
- Creative possibilities are available to me

7. Exercise

A spiritual teacher taught me that in many cases “the opposite is true”. Meaning that, when we hold resistance against doing something (such as working out), that is when we need it the most. When we are low in energy, sulking or anxious, exercising can change our mood.

I wrote an article on how to stay in shape during quarantine, check it out!

Other ways to alleviate anxiety suggested by our Instagram community:

  • CBD - My favorite brand is NanoCraft CBD. Discount code: “selfcare”
  • Meditate
  • Take a walk outside
  • Calling a family member or friend
  • Read a book
  • Cannabis
  • Wine
  • Car ride
  • Taking space/being alone in order to recharge
  • Soaking in the sun
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Listening to music that makes you calm/happy
  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Creating art
  • Deep cleaning
  • Warm showers
  • Hugging your pet(s)

I feel that it is very important for us to stay connected during this time. That being said, check in with friends, family and loved ones... Sometimes love, connection and reassurance is all we need to bring us back into a state of ease.

With love,
Stephanie Daily

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Guys, my anxiety has been at an all time high recently. And of course, the more awareness I shine on it, the darker my anxiety becomes, classic.

Thankfully, work has been keeping me really busy but my day flies by SO fast. And since I’ve been in the same place all day, come night time, I’m like WTF did I actually do all day? It stresses me out, and then I can’t sleep because I’m stressed and then I think about how long I’ll be up stressing about the sleep I’m losing. You know what I mean?

123 out of 195 people (63%) said they too were struggling with heightened anxiety recently.

I checked in with our instagram community to see if anyone else was experiencing heightened anxiety. These 123 people inspired me to write this article so we can remind ourselves of all the resources we have to ground and relax our mind + body, even when in quarantine.

I believe anxiety and stress are caused by a build up of emotions and therefore, we need a release. Below, I share my personal ways to release these emotions.

1. Journal/ Write

I have never heard anyone say that journaling has made them feel worse. I’ve only heard the opposite. Have you ever felt better after vocalizing something? That’s what journaling does. It’s a form of expression and release. Writing allows you to slow down, process your thoughts, feelings and experiences while expanding your awareness with new perspectives. You become SO present, connected and receptive. Honestly, it’s really fcking powerful.

Writing about your thoughts and feelings is a profound opportunity to become present and grounded. (All things opposite to anxiousness)

2. Drink Less Coffee/Caffeine

Personally, sometimes when I drink coffee or some other caffeinated drink, I get anxious and jittery. Why does this happen? So glad you asked. Coffee is a stimulant. If you are generally an anxious person or sensitive to chemicals (like moi) such as caffeine, it is likely your body will react to this stimulant with the effects of anxiety and increased heart rate. Which really sucks because I have a Nespresso machine and my morning iced coffee with a splash of vanilla almond milk creamer is part of my routine and ritual.

If I’m feeling stressed/ anxious over something, I will try my best to NOT give into my lil’ Nespresso addiction because I know caffeine will only heighten the physiological responses.

3. Drink More Water

Stress can cause dehydration and dehydration can cause stress— it’s a vicious cycle. If you’re hooked on coffee, I suggest upping your water intake. We are comprised of 60% water... so if you’re running low on H2O, your body won’t be optimally digesting, absorbing nor circulating nutrients.

If I start getting the jitters, I will chug some water. I like to think that my body is flushing out the caffeine with the new water I’m digesting/circulating.

4. Breathe

When anxiety begins to hold hands with rapid heart rate, BREATHE. Focus on your breath instead of  what you’re feeling (rapid heart rate). When I’ve experienced this level of anxiety, my full focus goes to my breath and knowing that I can control or at least lessen my physiological response to anxiety/stress with intentional breathing. I deeply believe this, because it works for me.

Extra support:
Sometimes I'll put my hand on my chest/stomach (depending on where the tightness or uneasy feeling is) while deep breathing just to remind myself that I’ve got me. This a direct form of support (similar to a hug) and we have access to it. How cool is that?

5. Practice Awareness/Mindfulness

Are you aware of the things that cause your anxiety? Maybe it’s a toxic relationship (with a friend, family member or intimate partner), self-sabotaging, a scary movie, a high-stakes decision/game or a lack of exercise. YES, ALL of these things can cause major anxiety.

I recently downloaded an app called PokerFace and that shit gives me anxiety. I guess I’m not cut for gambling, lmao. Once I realized this, I began playing less.

When you become aware of who and how certain things affect you, you have a choice between feeding into those toxic things/people or to shift your attention to something that makes you feel good.

Sometimes it’s as simple as not drinking coffee on a morning when you’re already feeling slightly anxious. Awareness is key.

6. Affirmations

Something I’ve been doing recently is reciting affirmations. I say them while I’m breathing intentionally, when I have unwelcoming thoughts/ feelings or to remind myself to continue surrendering to what’s going on around me and shift my focus onto the things that progress me.

Some of my affirmations are:
- I am safe
- My basic needs are met
- I let go in order to let in
- I am resilient and brave
- I am worthy of experiencing greatness
- Things that are meant for me easily come to me
- I am open to receiving love and support
- I am healthy and magnetic
- Creative possibilities are available to me

7. Exercise

A spiritual teacher taught me that in many cases “the opposite is true”. Meaning that, when we hold resistance against doing something (such as working out), that is when we need it the most. When we are low in energy, sulking or anxious, exercising can change our mood.

I wrote an article on how to stay in shape during quarantine, check it out!

Other ways to alleviate anxiety suggested by our Instagram community:

  • CBD - My favorite brand is NanoCraft CBD. Discount code: “selfcare”
  • Meditate
  • Take a walk outside
  • Calling a family member or friend
  • Read a book
  • Cannabis
  • Wine
  • Car ride
  • Taking space/being alone in order to recharge
  • Soaking in the sun
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Listening to music that makes you calm/happy
  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Creating art
  • Deep cleaning
  • Warm showers
  • Hugging your pet(s)

I feel that it is very important for us to stay connected during this time. That being said, check in with friends, family and loved ones... Sometimes love, connection and reassurance is all we need to bring us back into a state of ease.

With love,
Stephanie Daily

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