Does Your Partner Care About Your Finances?

#Dating + Relationships

The F word: Finances.

Women once sought out a males that looked physically capable of protecting them. Are women now seeking men who can financially protect them? Are men seeking women who can financially protect themselves?

Here are the findings:

96% of women who voted said it is important for their partner to be financially sound.
4% of women who voted said it is not important for their partner to be financially sound.

78% of men who voted said it is important for their partner to be financially sound.
22% of men who voted said it is not important for their partner to be financially sound.

86% of men and women who voted said it is important for their partner to be financially sound.

Based on 234 men and women who voted, aged 18-38

I know one of the biggest stressors in serious partnerships are a lack of finances… Quite honestly, these findings may be telling us that if both partners are financially sound, that its one less thing to worry about that could have otherwise been a great source of stress. Another thing it could show is that people appreciate the independence, convenience and lifestyle choices money brings.

But then again, just because people say that it’s important for their partner to be financially sound, does this mean that they actually make it a requirement? I’m not too sure… What I do know is that love is indeed blind at times (lol yikes).


Does Your Partner Care About Your Physical Health?
Does Your Partner Care About Your Social Status?

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Stephanie Daily

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The F word: Finances.

Women once sought out a males that looked physically capable of protecting them. Are women now seeking men who can financially protect them? Are men seeking women who can financially protect themselves?

Here are the findings:

96% of women who voted said it is important for their partner to be financially sound.
4% of women who voted said it is not important for their partner to be financially sound.

78% of men who voted said it is important for their partner to be financially sound.
22% of men who voted said it is not important for their partner to be financially sound.

86% of men and women who voted said it is important for their partner to be financially sound.

Based on 234 men and women who voted, aged 18-38

I know one of the biggest stressors in serious partnerships are a lack of finances… Quite honestly, these findings may be telling us that if both partners are financially sound, that its one less thing to worry about that could have otherwise been a great source of stress. Another thing it could show is that people appreciate the independence, convenience and lifestyle choices money brings.

But then again, just because people say that it’s important for their partner to be financially sound, does this mean that they actually make it a requirement? I’m not too sure… What I do know is that love is indeed blind at times (lol yikes).


Does Your Partner Care About Your Physical Health?
Does Your Partner Care About Your Social Status?

If you ever want your own questions answered by our instagram community, DM me!

Stephanie Daily

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The F word: Finances.

Women once sought out a males that looked physically capable of protecting them. Are women now seeking men who can financially protect them? Are men seeking women who can financially protect themselves?

Here are the findings:

96% of women who voted said it is important for their partner to be financially sound.
4% of women who voted said it is not important for their partner to be financially sound.

78% of men who voted said it is important for their partner to be financially sound.
22% of men who voted said it is not important for their partner to be financially sound.

86% of men and women who voted said it is important for their partner to be financially sound.

Based on 234 men and women who voted, aged 18-38

I know one of the biggest stressors in serious partnerships are a lack of finances… Quite honestly, these findings may be telling us that if both partners are financially sound, that its one less thing to worry about that could have otherwise been a great source of stress. Another thing it could show is that people appreciate the independence, convenience and lifestyle choices money brings.

But then again, just because people say that it’s important for their partner to be financially sound, does this mean that they actually make it a requirement? I’m not too sure… What I do know is that love is indeed blind at times (lol yikes).


Does Your Partner Care About Your Physical Health?
Does Your Partner Care About Your Social Status?

If you ever want your own questions answered by our instagram community, DM me!

Stephanie Daily

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