What Would My Best Self Do?


I was listening to a podcast on Spotify by The Skinny Confidential, episode #206 ‘Be You, Only Better with Coach Mike Bayer’ a few weeks ago. It discusses what it takes to be your best self, how to unlock your potential and how we can grow as individuals.

Every day we have a choice to be what Mike calls our best-selves vs our ‘anti-selves’. Our best self is the most authentic version that allows us to live our potential. Our anti-self is that little lazy, sulky, shit-head that wants to do the bare minimum ‘just for one more day’ until she/he gets their shit together. Ya, guys, I have an ‘anti-self’ and I want to kill that lil’ betch. And guess what? I have a choice to… every. single. day.

In the episode, Mike asked listeners to draw and write out what their “best self” looks like vs. their ‘anti-self’. He even asked listeners to give both of them names.

My best self looks a little something like this: She wakes up at 6am, steps out of bed and stretches for 15 minutes. She meditates for another 15-20 minutes. She reads or listens to something uplifting and motivational and then she gets some sort of workout in; pilates, yoga or strength training. She finishes around 7:45am and starts getting ready for the rest of her day.  — k, you can tell I’m big on morning routines because they do in fact set the tone for the rest of my day.

Making a choice between being your best self vs your “anti-self” gives you the opportunity to progress yourself, life and goals. Most of the time it’s a simple choice between what you value over your current “feelings”. I wrote an article about ‘Values > Feelings’, I highly recommend reading it, not only because I think it has expansive perspectives, but because I’m funny. Jk, but really, it’s a good little read if you need some motivation in any aspect of your life.

Realizing that we have a choice to remain stagnant in a mundane reality VS having the choice to create an extraordinary reality and future is quite motivating and empowering within itself, isn’t it? The choice helps you call YOU out on your bullshit (laziness, excuses, fear, anxieties and doubt).

Think of something you want to experience more of in your life… Let’s say you’re wanting to call in an amazing partner to be in a relationship with. What are you doing to attract that partner? Your best self might be working on themselves physically, emotionally and mentally. They are most likely putting themselves in situations where they are likely to find their ideal partner (coffee shops, meet-ups, gym, bars, rooftop lounges, etc…) Your best self is most likely bold, bubbly and confident which is magnetic AF.

Now let’s talk about your “anti-self”… this version of you most likely cringes at the effort it may take to get ready, go out and stay out passed 12am. Like, I get it. But remember when your best self was wanting to call in a partner and relationship? Listen to that version of you because that version wants the best and it wants the best FOR YOU.

This practice is all about establishing your values and what you want to be experiencing more of in your life and then CHOOSING between experiencing these things or remaining stagnant. If you want to read more about establishing values, read this article!

With love,

Stephanie Daily

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I was listening to a podcast on Spotify by The Skinny Confidential, episode #206 ‘Be You, Only Better with Coach Mike Bayer’ a few weeks ago. It discusses what it takes to be your best self, how to unlock your potential and how we can grow as individuals.

Every day we have a choice to be what Mike calls our best-selves vs our ‘anti-selves’. Our best self is the most authentic version that allows us to live our potential. Our anti-self is that little lazy, sulky, shit-head that wants to do the bare minimum ‘just for one more day’ until she/he gets their shit together. Ya, guys, I have an ‘anti-self’ and I want to kill that lil’ betch. And guess what? I have a choice to… every. single. day.

In the episode, Mike asked listeners to draw and write out what their “best self” looks like vs. their ‘anti-self’. He even asked listeners to give both of them names.

My best self looks a little something like this: She wakes up at 6am, steps out of bed and stretches for 15 minutes. She meditates for another 15-20 minutes. She reads or listens to something uplifting and motivational and then she gets some sort of workout in; pilates, yoga or strength training. She finishes around 7:45am and starts getting ready for the rest of her day.  — k, you can tell I’m big on morning routines because they do in fact set the tone for the rest of my day.

Making a choice between being your best self vs your “anti-self” gives you the opportunity to progress yourself, life and goals. Most of the time it’s a simple choice between what you value over your current “feelings”. I wrote an article about ‘Values > Feelings’, I highly recommend reading it, not only because I think it has expansive perspectives, but because I’m funny. Jk, but really, it’s a good little read if you need some motivation in any aspect of your life.

Realizing that we have a choice to remain stagnant in a mundane reality VS having the choice to create an extraordinary reality and future is quite motivating and empowering within itself, isn’t it? The choice helps you call YOU out on your bullshit (laziness, excuses, fear, anxieties and doubt).

Think of something you want to experience more of in your life… Let’s say you’re wanting to call in an amazing partner to be in a relationship with. What are you doing to attract that partner? Your best self might be working on themselves physically, emotionally and mentally. They are most likely putting themselves in situations where they are likely to find their ideal partner (coffee shops, meet-ups, gym, bars, rooftop lounges, etc…) Your best self is most likely bold, bubbly and confident which is magnetic AF.

Now let’s talk about your “anti-self”… this version of you most likely cringes at the effort it may take to get ready, go out and stay out passed 12am. Like, I get it. But remember when your best self was wanting to call in a partner and relationship? Listen to that version of you because that version wants the best and it wants the best FOR YOU.

This practice is all about establishing your values and what you want to be experiencing more of in your life and then CHOOSING between experiencing these things or remaining stagnant. If you want to read more about establishing values, read this article!

With love,

Stephanie Daily

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I was listening to a podcast on Spotify by The Skinny Confidential, episode #206 ‘Be You, Only Better with Coach Mike Bayer’ a few weeks ago. It discusses what it takes to be your best self, how to unlock your potential and how we can grow as individuals.

Every day we have a choice to be what Mike calls our best-selves vs our ‘anti-selves’. Our best self is the most authentic version that allows us to live our potential. Our anti-self is that little lazy, sulky, shit-head that wants to do the bare minimum ‘just for one more day’ until she/he gets their shit together. Ya, guys, I have an ‘anti-self’ and I want to kill that lil’ betch. And guess what? I have a choice to… every. single. day.

In the episode, Mike asked listeners to draw and write out what their “best self” looks like vs. their ‘anti-self’. He even asked listeners to give both of them names.

My best self looks a little something like this: She wakes up at 6am, steps out of bed and stretches for 15 minutes. She meditates for another 15-20 minutes. She reads or listens to something uplifting and motivational and then she gets some sort of workout in; pilates, yoga or strength training. She finishes around 7:45am and starts getting ready for the rest of her day.  — k, you can tell I’m big on morning routines because they do in fact set the tone for the rest of my day.

Making a choice between being your best self vs your “anti-self” gives you the opportunity to progress yourself, life and goals. Most of the time it’s a simple choice between what you value over your current “feelings”. I wrote an article about ‘Values > Feelings’, I highly recommend reading it, not only because I think it has expansive perspectives, but because I’m funny. Jk, but really, it’s a good little read if you need some motivation in any aspect of your life.

Realizing that we have a choice to remain stagnant in a mundane reality VS having the choice to create an extraordinary reality and future is quite motivating and empowering within itself, isn’t it? The choice helps you call YOU out on your bullshit (laziness, excuses, fear, anxieties and doubt).

Think of something you want to experience more of in your life… Let’s say you’re wanting to call in an amazing partner to be in a relationship with. What are you doing to attract that partner? Your best self might be working on themselves physically, emotionally and mentally. They are most likely putting themselves in situations where they are likely to find their ideal partner (coffee shops, meet-ups, gym, bars, rooftop lounges, etc…) Your best self is most likely bold, bubbly and confident which is magnetic AF.

Now let’s talk about your “anti-self”… this version of you most likely cringes at the effort it may take to get ready, go out and stay out passed 12am. Like, I get it. But remember when your best self was wanting to call in a partner and relationship? Listen to that version of you because that version wants the best and it wants the best FOR YOU.

This practice is all about establishing your values and what you want to be experiencing more of in your life and then CHOOSING between experiencing these things or remaining stagnant. If you want to read more about establishing values, read this article!

With love,

Stephanie Daily

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