Dear Journal, I Need a Social Media Hiatus


Dear Digital Journal,

It’s been awhile since I wrote an entry. Though I just quickly posted my very first YouTube video on the blog, I took some time off from publishing articles… For a few reasons honestly… I wrote A LOT in March. I believe I published 15+ articles. Another reason was because I was trying to overcome my fear of vlogging (lol). I am happy to report that I’ve since published TWO VLOGS and I finally created a YouTube channel!!

I’m extremely nervous about this new terrain and path but I am excited.

I’ve been wanting to do a social media hiatus… I’ve been experiencing lots of anxiety recently. It could be due to being cooped up all day or because I have some emotions I need to intentionally hold space for. The anxiety could also be stemming from social media. I’ve been making myself extremely vulnerable via Instagram by trying new things to see what serves best, including vlogging, but the uncertainty and internal dialogue has caused a lot of anxiety within me.

I feel like I need to create space to receive clarity/ reassurance on direction and purpose within me and this blog.

Chat soon.

Love you,

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Dear Digital Journal,

It’s been awhile since I wrote an entry. Though I just quickly posted my very first YouTube video on the blog, I took some time off from publishing articles… For a few reasons honestly… I wrote A LOT in March. I believe I published 15+ articles. Another reason was because I was trying to overcome my fear of vlogging (lol). I am happy to report that I’ve since published TWO VLOGS and I finally created a YouTube channel!!

I’m extremely nervous about this new terrain and path but I am excited.

I’ve been wanting to do a social media hiatus… I’ve been experiencing lots of anxiety recently. It could be due to being cooped up all day or because I have some emotions I need to intentionally hold space for. The anxiety could also be stemming from social media. I’ve been making myself extremely vulnerable via Instagram by trying new things to see what serves best, including vlogging, but the uncertainty and internal dialogue has caused a lot of anxiety within me.

I feel like I need to create space to receive clarity/ reassurance on direction and purpose within me and this blog.

Chat soon.

Love you,

Articles You Won't
Mark As Junk

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Dear Digital Journal,

It’s been awhile since I wrote an entry. Though I just quickly posted my very first YouTube video on the blog, I took some time off from publishing articles… For a few reasons honestly… I wrote A LOT in March. I believe I published 15+ articles. Another reason was because I was trying to overcome my fear of vlogging (lol). I am happy to report that I’ve since published TWO VLOGS and I finally created a YouTube channel!!

I’m extremely nervous about this new terrain and path but I am excited.

I’ve been wanting to do a social media hiatus… I’ve been experiencing lots of anxiety recently. It could be due to being cooped up all day or because I have some emotions I need to intentionally hold space for. The anxiety could also be stemming from social media. I’ve been making myself extremely vulnerable via Instagram by trying new things to see what serves best, including vlogging, but the uncertainty and internal dialogue has caused a lot of anxiety within me.

I feel like I need to create space to receive clarity/ reassurance on direction and purpose within me and this blog.

Chat soon.

Love you,

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