How To Ask a Girl Out at The Gym
Should you ask a girl out at the gym?
I’ll keep it short, but unfortunately not so sweet. The only time we want a guy to approach us at the gym is if he’s attractive and only if (at the very least) we have our eyebrows filled in, mascara on, chewing minty gum and preferably NOT in the middle of a squat set or any sort of interaction with this machine:

I’ve had loads of conversations recently about whether or not it’s appropriate for men to approach women at the gym. I see both sides of it for men and women… One guy said that it’s a perfect way to find a mate who has the same hobbies and likes taking care of themselves. Actually, very valid point. But I see an issue with that (read on).
67 out of 94 women (71%) voted for the gym being the wrong place to approach them. These ladies have a question for any guy who is thinking about hitting on them at the gym: ‘So you sh*t where you eat?’. KIDDING, that’s actually my question. But really, the gym is our ‘me time’ - a place where we walk in with 15% effort in terms of beauty enhancements because ew, when I’m doing HIIT and my face is melting off, that could really fck up my pores. We go there to get fit and gtfo. Please don’t create a potential shituation for us in our safe space. Example: a friend of mine sent me these screenshots (yes we send screenshots just like you show your buddy the latest nudes you received).

How to ask a girl out from the gym without being creepy:
To the gents of the gym who believe it is also their hunting ground, I advise being extremely choosy in terms of who and how many ladies you approach. Because if I observe you flirtatiously approaching up to multiple women within the one hour that I’m there, I’ve already placed you in a certain ‘no-go’ category. I know that sounds harsh, I’M SRY, but my point is this: if you really want to ask her out because you seem to like the same thing (lol, working out), your intentions with this lady should be genuine in terms of wanting to get to know her, not just hooking up. I would also vocalize that to her if she were to give you her number. If she gives you her Instagram, she’s holding you at an arms length while she vets you out based on what she sees. I know, ugh, screw this digital-age millennial sh*t! But look on the bright side: there's a 29% chance she'll welcome your efforts!
What’s the best way to approach a girl a the gym?
Two ways. But you must make sure of one thing first… that she DOESN’T have both headphones in. If she does, let her be— she’s not trying to be chatted up.
- By the water fountain and by striking up a casual conversation.
- If she’s by the weights… The other day I saw a guy help a girl un-rack her weights from the smith machine. I actually thought that was pretty dang smooth and felt that’s something I would appreciate and likely entertain. BUT, you have to be in her general proximity… not running from across the gym to help her out - that would be… a little much.
Once again, if you are going to approach someone at the gym I would wait it out for a few weeks to see how often they go there, if your intentions are pure and if you‘re ok creating a potential shituation in your own safe space.
Should you ask a girl out at the gym?
I’ll keep it short, but unfortunately not so sweet. The only time we want a guy to approach us at the gym is if he’s attractive and only if (at the very least) we have our eyebrows filled in, mascara on, chewing minty gum and preferably NOT in the middle of a squat set or any sort of interaction with this machine:

I’ve had loads of conversations recently about whether or not it’s appropriate for men to approach women at the gym. I see both sides of it for men and women… One guy said that it’s a perfect way to find a mate who has the same hobbies and likes taking care of themselves. Actually, very valid point. But I see an issue with that (read on).
67 out of 94 women (71%) voted for the gym being the wrong place to approach them. These ladies have a question for any guy who is thinking about hitting on them at the gym: ‘So you sh*t where you eat?’. KIDDING, that’s actually my question. But really, the gym is our ‘me time’ - a place where we walk in with 15% effort in terms of beauty enhancements because ew, when I’m doing HIIT and my face is melting off, that could really fck up my pores. We go there to get fit and gtfo. Please don’t create a potential shituation for us in our safe space. Example: a friend of mine sent me these screenshots (yes we send screenshots just like you show your buddy the latest nudes you received).

How to ask a girl out from the gym without being creepy:
To the gents of the gym who believe it is also their hunting ground, I advise being extremely choosy in terms of who and how many ladies you approach. Because if I observe you flirtatiously approaching up to multiple women within the one hour that I’m there, I’ve already placed you in a certain ‘no-go’ category. I know that sounds harsh, I’M SRY, but my point is this: if you really want to ask her out because you seem to like the same thing (lol, working out), your intentions with this lady should be genuine in terms of wanting to get to know her, not just hooking up. I would also vocalize that to her if she were to give you her number. If she gives you her Instagram, she’s holding you at an arms length while she vets you out based on what she sees. I know, ugh, screw this digital-age millennial sh*t! But look on the bright side: there's a 29% chance she'll welcome your efforts!
What’s the best way to approach a girl a the gym?
Two ways. But you must make sure of one thing first… that she DOESN’T have both headphones in. If she does, let her be— she’s not trying to be chatted up.
- By the water fountain and by striking up a casual conversation.
- If she’s by the weights… The other day I saw a guy help a girl un-rack her weights from the smith machine. I actually thought that was pretty dang smooth and felt that’s something I would appreciate and likely entertain. BUT, you have to be in her general proximity… not running from across the gym to help her out - that would be… a little much.
Once again, if you are going to approach someone at the gym I would wait it out for a few weeks to see how often they go there, if your intentions are pure and if you‘re ok creating a potential shituation in your own safe space.
Should you ask a girl out at the gym?
I’ll keep it short, but unfortunately not so sweet. The only time we want a guy to approach us at the gym is if he’s attractive and only if (at the very least) we have our eyebrows filled in, mascara on, chewing minty gum and preferably NOT in the middle of a squat set or any sort of interaction with this machine:

I’ve had loads of conversations recently about whether or not it’s appropriate for men to approach women at the gym. I see both sides of it for men and women… One guy said that it’s a perfect way to find a mate who has the same hobbies and likes taking care of themselves. Actually, very valid point. But I see an issue with that (read on).
67 out of 94 women (71%) voted for the gym being the wrong place to approach them. These ladies have a question for any guy who is thinking about hitting on them at the gym: ‘So you sh*t where you eat?’. KIDDING, that’s actually my question. But really, the gym is our ‘me time’ - a place where we walk in with 15% effort in terms of beauty enhancements because ew, when I’m doing HIIT and my face is melting off, that could really fck up my pores. We go there to get fit and gtfo. Please don’t create a potential shituation for us in our safe space. Example: a friend of mine sent me these screenshots (yes we send screenshots just like you show your buddy the latest nudes you received).

How to ask a girl out from the gym without being creepy:
To the gents of the gym who believe it is also their hunting ground, I advise being extremely choosy in terms of who and how many ladies you approach. Because if I observe you flirtatiously approaching up to multiple women within the one hour that I’m there, I’ve already placed you in a certain ‘no-go’ category. I know that sounds harsh, I’M SRY, but my point is this: if you really want to ask her out because you seem to like the same thing (lol, working out), your intentions with this lady should be genuine in terms of wanting to get to know her, not just hooking up. I would also vocalize that to her if she were to give you her number. If she gives you her Instagram, she’s holding you at an arms length while she vets you out based on what she sees. I know, ugh, screw this digital-age millennial sh*t! But look on the bright side: there's a 29% chance she'll welcome your efforts!
What’s the best way to approach a girl a the gym?
Two ways. But you must make sure of one thing first… that she DOESN’T have both headphones in. If she does, let her be— she’s not trying to be chatted up.
- By the water fountain and by striking up a casual conversation.
- If she’s by the weights… The other day I saw a guy help a girl un-rack her weights from the smith machine. I actually thought that was pretty dang smooth and felt that’s something I would appreciate and likely entertain. BUT, you have to be in her general proximity… not running from across the gym to help her out - that would be… a little much.
Once again, if you are going to approach someone at the gym I would wait it out for a few weeks to see how often they go there, if your intentions are pure and if you‘re ok creating a potential shituation in your own safe space.