How long do men and women want sex to last?

#Dating + Relationships

Ask and you shall receive. Someone from our community asked how long men and women wanted sex to last. Check out the data below based on 1,400+ men and women.

Based on 1,456 men and women that voted.
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Related article: How often do men and women want oral sex?

2% of men want sex to last 5 minutes.
39% of men want sex to last 10-15 minutes.
48% of men want sex to last 20-30 minutes.
11% of men want sex to last 45+ minutes.

3% of women want sex to last 5 minutes.
41% of women want sex to last 10-15 minutes.
50% of women want sex to last 20-30 minutes.
6% of women want sex to last 45+ minutes

This survey did not include foreplay..

The majority of men and women want sex to last anywhere from 10-30 minutes. That doesn’t mean that sex has to last this long every time. This may be highly unrealistic for some people, especially busy people. A quickie is sometimes exactly what is needed!

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Ask and you shall receive. Someone from our community asked how long men and women wanted sex to last. Check out the data below based on 1,400+ men and women.

Based on 1,456 men and women that voted.
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution of this work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact Thank you for your support.

Related article: How often do men and women want oral sex?

2% of men want sex to last 5 minutes.
39% of men want sex to last 10-15 minutes.
48% of men want sex to last 20-30 minutes.
11% of men want sex to last 45+ minutes.

3% of women want sex to last 5 minutes.
41% of women want sex to last 10-15 minutes.
50% of women want sex to last 20-30 minutes.
6% of women want sex to last 45+ minutes

This survey did not include foreplay..

The majority of men and women want sex to last anywhere from 10-30 minutes. That doesn’t mean that sex has to last this long every time. This may be highly unrealistic for some people, especially busy people. A quickie is sometimes exactly what is needed!

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Ask and you shall receive. Someone from our community asked how long men and women wanted sex to last. Check out the data below based on 1,400+ men and women.

Based on 1,456 men and women that voted.
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution of this work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact Thank you for your support.

Related article: How often do men and women want oral sex?

2% of men want sex to last 5 minutes.
39% of men want sex to last 10-15 minutes.
48% of men want sex to last 20-30 minutes.
11% of men want sex to last 45+ minutes.

3% of women want sex to last 5 minutes.
41% of women want sex to last 10-15 minutes.
50% of women want sex to last 20-30 minutes.
6% of women want sex to last 45+ minutes

This survey did not include foreplay..

The majority of men and women want sex to last anywhere from 10-30 minutes. That doesn’t mean that sex has to last this long every time. This may be highly unrealistic for some people, especially busy people. A quickie is sometimes exactly what is needed!

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