Do guys care what a vagina looks like?


A woman from our Instagram community asked this question below. In turn, 190+ men responded.

Unattainable beauty standards, photoshop/ filters and porn has put an insane amount of societal pressure on women; specifically on their bodies. Enough pressure for women to consider Labiaplasty. Labiaplasty is surgery performed to alter the appearance of the labia; most commonly performed to make one’s labia shorter/ smaller.

A note for the men reading this:
If you judge someone for something they cannot change about themselves - something they were likely born with, your lack of self-awareness is just as unattractive as your ignorant judgement. And if you’re one of the men who wrote or agree with any of the offensive responses below, you yourself better have a perfect physique, and penis: color, cut, length AND girth. But unfortunately, none of these physical attributes will make up for your lack of humility, intellect and basic respect.

Note #2
Something a lot of people fail to realize about sexual anatomy is that people are simply born different shapes and sizes. Men believe because a woman has a longer labia or because she’s “not as tight” as he’d expect, that she must be extremely sexually active or older. This is simply untrue. A woman can be sexually inexperienced and have a longer labia/ bigger vaginal opening/ circumference because of her genetics.  So please get that senseless narrative out of your head.

Woo! Now that we got all that out of the way I can share the responses from 190+ men about this topic.

The majority of men say they don’t care. But what they do care about is hygiene (smell/ hair maintenance).

190+ responses from men:

  1. Hair maintenance > Labia maintenance
  2. Related Articles:
    Men’s preferred pubic hair maintenance on women.
    Women’s preferred pubic hair maintenance on men.
  3. Natural is best. Doctored is gross!
  4. I think we notice taste/smell more than anything lol 🤷🏽‍♂️
  5. Don’t notice
  6. No lol
  7. ..same way women have preference of 🍆🌶🍤
  8. Yes we do, the bigger question is how do some girls not know their V smells funky.
  9. What…. Please don’t get surgery. We barely remember what we wore yesterday.
  10. I think as long as it’s not a jungle down there, they all look diff, and that’s okay.
  11. I love vaginas of all shapes and sizes
  12. I’ve never had this be an issue
  13. Yeah everyone looks different down there, some cuter than others but it’s doesn’t matter
  14. We don’t care.
  15. To a degree, hygiene is far more important.
  16. I STRONGLY prefer bigger lips. Actually disappointed when they’re small/nonexistent
  17. Yes and Yes 😂
  18. This is absolutely hilarious, I hope they are kidding
  19. Fixing stuff we don’t care about.
  20. Do not care. Pleased to be there!
  21. Some are much prettier than others I will say that, but I’ve never had one turn me off.
  22. Depends
  23. Oh my fucking god - no. Don’t do that all vjj are wonderful!!!
  24. What in the world
  25. I mean do women notice what a man’s penis is like??? 😂
  26. Notice, yes…care, not really. Some prettier than others but clean/well manicured is 🔑
  27. Stop.. ladies.. If your man don’t love you the way you are upgrade to a new man
  28. This seems to be more self consciousness than driven by men’s reactions imo
  29. We do unfortunately
  30. Hell nah
  31. Nope. Unless it’s like to the point where skin gets pulled in during sex, not at all. Smell n taste matter more
  32. We notice but everyone's body is different to appraise them all, everyone’s beautiful!
  33. If it looks like a wizards sleeve then yeah otherwise no. Just make sure it doesn’t smell 😆
  34. Men don’t care. No ones turning down the seggs, especially when you’re that close
  35. There are definitely cute and ugly vaginas
  36. Not really… they’re all just a lil different
  37. Doesn’t really matter from my exp.
  38. If they love you they literally won’t care
  39. Not at all
  40. How old are these people getting this procedure? After kids?
  41. All Vs are beautiful just the way they are
  42. There are plenty of acceptable variations, but we care.
  43. Nah not really. Just please be clean and healthy
  44. That’s kind of a dumb question… girls obviously care what a dudes dick looks like
  45. Def care lol
  46. If a man is lucky enough to get a look at a girl’s vagina he shouldn’t be thinking twice
  47. Men DON'T CARE about: what your cat looks like, lonjas, cellulite, flawed skin, etc
  48. Not unless it’s a problem for them. Dicks aren’t that appealing to look at either lol
  49. Do not care
  50. Duh we notice… sometimes it matters, other times not.
  51. Genital mutilation?
  52. There can be better looking ones but as long as personal hygiene is a 10 it doesn’t matter
  53. Would you need an example to base my opinion off. I would notice if it looks good so there’s that
  54. Probably one of the things we notice the most
  55. Fixing stuff we don’t care about.
  56. It don’t matter what it looks like. So long as clean and kept
  57. We do, but most of the time is doesn’t matter
  58. Notice? Yes. Care? 99% of the time no.
  59. NO
  60. It’s not like I have a perfect looking penis so it doesn’t matter
  61. We care
  62. Don’t particularly care. Just has to feel good. :)
  63. Not at all
  64. I look and think wow like comfy
  65. I hope most men don’t care. Labiaplasty seems extreme but it’s her body her choice!
  66. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a vagina that looked bad.
  67. Not something that I particularly care about. How it feels is more important
  68. We notice, but at the same time, we really don’t care 🤷‍♂️
  69. Nope
  70. Notice-yes/Care-no. It’s about who you are. And the connection between two ppl
  71. Don’t care what it looks like. As long as my dick fits in nicely
  72. Absolutely we notice, and generally don’t care…but still have our favorite types.
  73. No we don’t care
  74. Notice, don’t care
  75. Hellz no we don’t care. Quit with the plastic surgery already!
  76. Unless it’s super loose.
  77. As long as it isn’t scary lookin we good
  78. Do we notice, yes. Do we care, no. (my babe sent me to answer this in the name of science)
  79. Yes we notice. But as with everything, different men like different vaginas. I love big lips 😊
  80. We care more about the taste and less about the appearance.
  81. If we are close enough to see, we are good
  82. …with men generally it’s more about maintenance, for beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
  83. Roughly I would say it’s 50/50
  84. Don’t care
  85. Again, might notice. But seriously (unless there’s something sketchy like medically) not bothered
  86. Don’t really care lol
  87. What? Why would a woman do this?? No.
  88. Not a bother. Everybody is different.
  89. Idk what you call it (outies?) but definitely prefer that to innies lol.. Everyone’s different
  90. Tbh some look better that others, but idc. Horrified 2 hear women r gettin plastic surgery!
  91. As long as my partner is comfortable, I don’t care one but!
  92. We notice
  93. 😱 Please no! Y’all are beautiful just as is!
  94. 💯. Just saw my exes vjj after a few years of not, and it wasn’t as pretty as before. 🤞 🤐
  95. I don’t care what it looks like. There’s more to love and relationships than that
  96. Hell no we don’t care.
  97. Noticing and caring are two different things. Of course we notice. Won’t prevent sex though
  98. I literally do not care what a vagina looks like. I do not find that part of a woman attractive regardless.
  99. Yes
  100. Waste of money.
  101. A pretty looking labia definitely helps. I imagine a big, good looking dick helps? Same same.
  102. Yes, some pussies are just plain ugly, and some are fucking beautiful.
  103. No. As long as your vag doesn’t smell weird or have a 4’’ clitoris it doesn’t matter what it looks like.
  104. Love what they look like. I’m just happy to be a part of the ‘’conversation’’ lol
  105. To be brutally honest we notice smell and taste more than appearance.
  106. I’d be shocked if people legitimately cared.
  107. Yes we notice, but no we don’t care. They are all beautiful 😍
  108. We notice but don’t care (unless there is A LOT of visible labia which is a turnoff usually)
  109. For the most part no but respectfully there are a few who might
  110. Couldn't care less
  111. An absolutely unnecessary, ridiculous procedure
  112. All are beautiful
  113. Doesn’t matter, porn influences that stereotype
  114. It can’t be out of control loose
  115. It doesn’t matter
  116. We definitely notice, but care? Nah, not really. For the fboys it’s a point of conversation later
  117. Not the right move unless it’s really what you want. Your parts are fine as they are 😆
  118. We do notice but don’t care
  119. No, don’t care what they look like.
  120. No.  Save your money
  121. Do not care. Definitely do not care enough to go get surgery done.
  122. Don’t notice, don’t care. Body confidence is hot regardless of what it or any part looks like
  123. Of course we see it and no we don’t care. We LIKE them lmao
  124. Yep and nope
  125. Couldn’t care less
  126. Kinda hard not to notice. But most are just whatever lol. I’ve only seen a few I thought looked…”weird”
  127. Nope don’t check them out
  128. Do not care
  129. No we don’t
  130. Not really
  131. Notice yes, care no
  132. Yes we notice. Don’t want it looking sloppy
  133. Men are very visual. Of course we notice
  134. Is it noticeable? Sure. Do we care? Nope
  135. Yes we notice
  136. Everyone has their preference. Not a big deal or worth surgery! Personality is key!
  137. This is ridiculous. Men aren’t getting dick surgery. Love your partner for who they are.
  138. Please. No vagina altering unless youre Binary or id as a fairy
  139. Yes I notice but don’t care.
  140. We care yes lol
  141. Yess. U can always tell when someone has high miles!! Too much use leaves big ass lips
  142. Notice? Yes. Care? Not really. Unless something is real off but even then usually no big deal
  143. I notice when they’re “cute” but don’t care otherwise. I haven’t seen anything gross yet
  144. Low key. Yes I notice and I probably shouldn’t care but I do. I don’t want one that looks beat up.
  145. I think everyone can appreciate pretty genitals but it’s not the be all or end all
  146. I couldn’t pick out my long-time gf’s vag in a crowd. Isn’t that why pornstars need tats?
  147. I’m hyper-observant, so I will notice, but I don’t care.
  148. Absolute waste just find the many that loves all of you.
  149. As long as the lips aren’t too big. I’m not bothered
  150. And! Some guys might even be more attracted to a bigger labia
  151. We like them all. I’ve never heard of a guy being turned off by how a girl’s bits looked.
  152. Never ever heard men even have a preference other thank available 💀. Woman’s media F
  153. As long as it doesn’t smell putrid, I’m golden
  154. Could care less unless there is something insane happening, which would expect a convo b4
  155. No be comfortable with who you are and men should respect that. Simple as that
  156. Absolutely not
  157. No we don’t care
  158. Yep definitely
  159. This question will hurt feelings. Nobody wants to eat something hanging down your leg 🤢
  160. I have a preference in the type of look I prefer, but would rarely be a dealbreaker
  161. Definitely notice, and again… No real man will care. Just bury your face in it and enjoy
  162. Nope. Keep the sharp objects away from the lady sandwich…
  163. I don’t understand that current trend, most vgs look perfectly unique
  164. Most guys do not care. They’re happy/content with being there in the first place. Lol
  165. I do notice and i think most guys do but i don’t it’s matters as much as hygiene and sensation
  166. Some do, just like women care whether a man is or isn’t circumcised.
  167. Yes we notice. No we don’t care … but we can tell that you do. Confidence is key !!!
  168. No not really
  169. I notice, and am fascinated! Just clean and a little maintained is enough!
  170. We don’t care and would you honestly want to be with a man who cares? Please don’t do it
  171. I think it’s normal to notice things but if you are into the person it doesn’t matter much
  172. Not at all. Every woman is beautiful in their own way.
  173. Single for 5 years and in my 30s now, I’ll take anything 😅😅
  174. Yes we do, there is such thing as an ugly vag and a nice looking vag!
  175. We notice but we don’t care lol. Who hurt y’all?
  176. Absolutely not
  177. Not at all, I think hygiene down there is far more important than looks lol
  178. Yeah but don’t care. We’re with a naked woman so we hit the Jack pot
  179. For sure
  180. Idek what that is^ but I definitely look at it get all up in it 😜😝😈
  181. I have never heard a man say “she had a weird looking vag” its all about her hygiene lol
  182. It does matter. Less so if there is love/commitment. “Kitty is kitty” men scare me. 😂
  183. Honestly don’t care - all about the fits and feeling
  184. Oh this will be a good one haha
  185. We notice. Don’t really care how it looks, but smell and taste we 100% care about
  186. Notice, yes. But if a guy actually likes you he won’t be shallow enough for it to matterI prefer longer labia! I imagine men like it all, but have preferences.
  187. It’s all pink on the inside 🤷‍♂️😂
  188. Yes we do we not just trying to get any monkey 😂 gotta get it looking nice
  189. Prefer natural , don’t get surgery it is beautiful naturally
  190. We definitely do. Just like you notice penis size. Please please please take care of your vaginas. Alot don’t
  191. Couldn’t care less and can’t picture one to this day
  192. Nope - just happy to be there 😂
  193. Be genuine when we kiss or give/get oral and we are turned on.
  194. Everyone’s is different and beautiful in its own right. We don’t care.
  195. Don’t care
  196. Nope not even something we care to look at
  197. All look different! Doesn’t matter
  198. Doesn’t matter, just stoked to be having sex 🤣
  199. Totally unnecessary
  200. Yes we care!!!!!! You don’t want it looking like calamari!
  201. To an extent, but if the vibes right no one cares….
  202. No
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A woman from our Instagram community asked this question below. In turn, 190+ men responded.

Unattainable beauty standards, photoshop/ filters and porn has put an insane amount of societal pressure on women; specifically on their bodies. Enough pressure for women to consider Labiaplasty. Labiaplasty is surgery performed to alter the appearance of the labia; most commonly performed to make one’s labia shorter/ smaller.

A note for the men reading this:
If you judge someone for something they cannot change about themselves - something they were likely born with, your lack of self-awareness is just as unattractive as your ignorant judgement. And if you’re one of the men who wrote or agree with any of the offensive responses below, you yourself better have a perfect physique, and penis: color, cut, length AND girth. But unfortunately, none of these physical attributes will make up for your lack of humility, intellect and basic respect.

Note #2
Something a lot of people fail to realize about sexual anatomy is that people are simply born different shapes and sizes. Men believe because a woman has a longer labia or because she’s “not as tight” as he’d expect, that she must be extremely sexually active or older. This is simply untrue. A woman can be sexually inexperienced and have a longer labia/ bigger vaginal opening/ circumference because of her genetics.  So please get that senseless narrative out of your head.

Woo! Now that we got all that out of the way I can share the responses from 190+ men about this topic.

The majority of men say they don’t care. But what they do care about is hygiene (smell/ hair maintenance).

190+ responses from men:

  1. Hair maintenance > Labia maintenance
  2. Related Articles:
    Men’s preferred pubic hair maintenance on women.
    Women’s preferred pubic hair maintenance on men.
  3. Natural is best. Doctored is gross!
  4. I think we notice taste/smell more than anything lol 🤷🏽‍♂️
  5. Don’t notice
  6. No lol
  7. ..same way women have preference of 🍆🌶🍤
  8. Yes we do, the bigger question is how do some girls not know their V smells funky.
  9. What…. Please don’t get surgery. We barely remember what we wore yesterday.
  10. I think as long as it’s not a jungle down there, they all look diff, and that’s okay.
  11. I love vaginas of all shapes and sizes
  12. I’ve never had this be an issue
  13. Yeah everyone looks different down there, some cuter than others but it’s doesn’t matter
  14. We don’t care.
  15. To a degree, hygiene is far more important.
  16. I STRONGLY prefer bigger lips. Actually disappointed when they’re small/nonexistent
  17. Yes and Yes 😂
  18. This is absolutely hilarious, I hope they are kidding
  19. Fixing stuff we don’t care about.
  20. Do not care. Pleased to be there!
  21. Some are much prettier than others I will say that, but I’ve never had one turn me off.
  22. Depends
  23. Oh my fucking god - no. Don’t do that all vjj are wonderful!!!
  24. What in the world
  25. I mean do women notice what a man’s penis is like??? 😂
  26. Notice, yes…care, not really. Some prettier than others but clean/well manicured is 🔑
  27. Stop.. ladies.. If your man don’t love you the way you are upgrade to a new man
  28. This seems to be more self consciousness than driven by men’s reactions imo
  29. We do unfortunately
  30. Hell nah
  31. Nope. Unless it’s like to the point where skin gets pulled in during sex, not at all. Smell n taste matter more
  32. We notice but everyone's body is different to appraise them all, everyone’s beautiful!
  33. If it looks like a wizards sleeve then yeah otherwise no. Just make sure it doesn’t smell 😆
  34. Men don’t care. No ones turning down the seggs, especially when you’re that close
  35. There are definitely cute and ugly vaginas
  36. Not really… they’re all just a lil different
  37. Doesn’t really matter from my exp.
  38. If they love you they literally won’t care
  39. Not at all
  40. How old are these people getting this procedure? After kids?
  41. All Vs are beautiful just the way they are
  42. There are plenty of acceptable variations, but we care.
  43. Nah not really. Just please be clean and healthy
  44. That’s kind of a dumb question… girls obviously care what a dudes dick looks like
  45. Def care lol
  46. If a man is lucky enough to get a look at a girl’s vagina he shouldn’t be thinking twice
  47. Men DON'T CARE about: what your cat looks like, lonjas, cellulite, flawed skin, etc
  48. Not unless it’s a problem for them. Dicks aren’t that appealing to look at either lol
  49. Do not care
  50. Duh we notice… sometimes it matters, other times not.
  51. Genital mutilation?
  52. There can be better looking ones but as long as personal hygiene is a 10 it doesn’t matter
  53. Would you need an example to base my opinion off. I would notice if it looks good so there’s that
  54. Probably one of the things we notice the most
  55. Fixing stuff we don’t care about.
  56. It don’t matter what it looks like. So long as clean and kept
  57. We do, but most of the time is doesn’t matter
  58. Notice? Yes. Care? 99% of the time no.
  59. NO
  60. It’s not like I have a perfect looking penis so it doesn’t matter
  61. We care
  62. Don’t particularly care. Just has to feel good. :)
  63. Not at all
  64. I look and think wow like comfy
  65. I hope most men don’t care. Labiaplasty seems extreme but it’s her body her choice!
  66. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a vagina that looked bad.
  67. Not something that I particularly care about. How it feels is more important
  68. We notice, but at the same time, we really don’t care 🤷‍♂️
  69. Nope
  70. Notice-yes/Care-no. It’s about who you are. And the connection between two ppl
  71. Don’t care what it looks like. As long as my dick fits in nicely
  72. Absolutely we notice, and generally don’t care…but still have our favorite types.
  73. No we don’t care
  74. Notice, don’t care
  75. Hellz no we don’t care. Quit with the plastic surgery already!
  76. Unless it’s super loose.
  77. As long as it isn’t scary lookin we good
  78. Do we notice, yes. Do we care, no. (my babe sent me to answer this in the name of science)
  79. Yes we notice. But as with everything, different men like different vaginas. I love big lips 😊
  80. We care more about the taste and less about the appearance.
  81. If we are close enough to see, we are good
  82. …with men generally it’s more about maintenance, for beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
  83. Roughly I would say it’s 50/50
  84. Don’t care
  85. Again, might notice. But seriously (unless there’s something sketchy like medically) not bothered
  86. Don’t really care lol
  87. What? Why would a woman do this?? No.
  88. Not a bother. Everybody is different.
  89. Idk what you call it (outies?) but definitely prefer that to innies lol.. Everyone’s different
  90. Tbh some look better that others, but idc. Horrified 2 hear women r gettin plastic surgery!
  91. As long as my partner is comfortable, I don’t care one but!
  92. We notice
  93. 😱 Please no! Y’all are beautiful just as is!
  94. 💯. Just saw my exes vjj after a few years of not, and it wasn’t as pretty as before. 🤞 🤐
  95. I don’t care what it looks like. There’s more to love and relationships than that
  96. Hell no we don’t care.
  97. Noticing and caring are two different things. Of course we notice. Won’t prevent sex though
  98. I literally do not care what a vagina looks like. I do not find that part of a woman attractive regardless.
  99. Yes
  100. Waste of money.
  101. A pretty looking labia definitely helps. I imagine a big, good looking dick helps? Same same.
  102. Yes, some pussies are just plain ugly, and some are fucking beautiful.
  103. No. As long as your vag doesn’t smell weird or have a 4’’ clitoris it doesn’t matter what it looks like.
  104. Love what they look like. I’m just happy to be a part of the ‘’conversation’’ lol
  105. To be brutally honest we notice smell and taste more than appearance.
  106. I’d be shocked if people legitimately cared.
  107. Yes we notice, but no we don’t care. They are all beautiful 😍
  108. We notice but don’t care (unless there is A LOT of visible labia which is a turnoff usually)
  109. For the most part no but respectfully there are a few who might
  110. Couldn't care less
  111. An absolutely unnecessary, ridiculous procedure
  112. All are beautiful
  113. Doesn’t matter, porn influences that stereotype
  114. It can’t be out of control loose
  115. It doesn’t matter
  116. We definitely notice, but care? Nah, not really. For the fboys it’s a point of conversation later
  117. Not the right move unless it’s really what you want. Your parts are fine as they are 😆
  118. We do notice but don’t care
  119. No, don’t care what they look like.
  120. No.  Save your money
  121. Do not care. Definitely do not care enough to go get surgery done.
  122. Don’t notice, don’t care. Body confidence is hot regardless of what it or any part looks like
  123. Of course we see it and no we don’t care. We LIKE them lmao
  124. Yep and nope
  125. Couldn’t care less
  126. Kinda hard not to notice. But most are just whatever lol. I’ve only seen a few I thought looked…”weird”
  127. Nope don’t check them out
  128. Do not care
  129. No we don’t
  130. Not really
  131. Notice yes, care no
  132. Yes we notice. Don’t want it looking sloppy
  133. Men are very visual. Of course we notice
  134. Is it noticeable? Sure. Do we care? Nope
  135. Yes we notice
  136. Everyone has their preference. Not a big deal or worth surgery! Personality is key!
  137. This is ridiculous. Men aren’t getting dick surgery. Love your partner for who they are.
  138. Please. No vagina altering unless youre Binary or id as a fairy
  139. Yes I notice but don’t care.
  140. We care yes lol
  141. Yess. U can always tell when someone has high miles!! Too much use leaves big ass lips
  142. Notice? Yes. Care? Not really. Unless something is real off but even then usually no big deal
  143. I notice when they’re “cute” but don’t care otherwise. I haven’t seen anything gross yet
  144. Low key. Yes I notice and I probably shouldn’t care but I do. I don’t want one that looks beat up.
  145. I think everyone can appreciate pretty genitals but it’s not the be all or end all
  146. I couldn’t pick out my long-time gf’s vag in a crowd. Isn’t that why pornstars need tats?
  147. I’m hyper-observant, so I will notice, but I don’t care.
  148. Absolute waste just find the many that loves all of you.
  149. As long as the lips aren’t too big. I’m not bothered
  150. And! Some guys might even be more attracted to a bigger labia
  151. We like them all. I’ve never heard of a guy being turned off by how a girl’s bits looked.
  152. Never ever heard men even have a preference other thank available 💀. Woman’s media F
  153. As long as it doesn’t smell putrid, I’m golden
  154. Could care less unless there is something insane happening, which would expect a convo b4
  155. No be comfortable with who you are and men should respect that. Simple as that
  156. Absolutely not
  157. No we don’t care
  158. Yep definitely
  159. This question will hurt feelings. Nobody wants to eat something hanging down your leg 🤢
  160. I have a preference in the type of look I prefer, but would rarely be a dealbreaker
  161. Definitely notice, and again… No real man will care. Just bury your face in it and enjoy
  162. Nope. Keep the sharp objects away from the lady sandwich…
  163. I don’t understand that current trend, most vgs look perfectly unique
  164. Most guys do not care. They’re happy/content with being there in the first place. Lol
  165. I do notice and i think most guys do but i don’t it’s matters as much as hygiene and sensation
  166. Some do, just like women care whether a man is or isn’t circumcised.
  167. Yes we notice. No we don’t care … but we can tell that you do. Confidence is key !!!
  168. No not really
  169. I notice, and am fascinated! Just clean and a little maintained is enough!
  170. We don’t care and would you honestly want to be with a man who cares? Please don’t do it
  171. I think it’s normal to notice things but if you are into the person it doesn’t matter much
  172. Not at all. Every woman is beautiful in their own way.
  173. Single for 5 years and in my 30s now, I’ll take anything 😅😅
  174. Yes we do, there is such thing as an ugly vag and a nice looking vag!
  175. We notice but we don’t care lol. Who hurt y’all?
  176. Absolutely not
  177. Not at all, I think hygiene down there is far more important than looks lol
  178. Yeah but don’t care. We’re with a naked woman so we hit the Jack pot
  179. For sure
  180. Idek what that is^ but I definitely look at it get all up in it 😜😝😈
  181. I have never heard a man say “she had a weird looking vag” its all about her hygiene lol
  182. It does matter. Less so if there is love/commitment. “Kitty is kitty” men scare me. 😂
  183. Honestly don’t care - all about the fits and feeling
  184. Oh this will be a good one haha
  185. We notice. Don’t really care how it looks, but smell and taste we 100% care about
  186. Notice, yes. But if a guy actually likes you he won’t be shallow enough for it to matterI prefer longer labia! I imagine men like it all, but have preferences.
  187. It’s all pink on the inside 🤷‍♂️😂
  188. Yes we do we not just trying to get any monkey 😂 gotta get it looking nice
  189. Prefer natural , don’t get surgery it is beautiful naturally
  190. We definitely do. Just like you notice penis size. Please please please take care of your vaginas. Alot don’t
  191. Couldn’t care less and can’t picture one to this day
  192. Nope - just happy to be there 😂
  193. Be genuine when we kiss or give/get oral and we are turned on.
  194. Everyone’s is different and beautiful in its own right. We don’t care.
  195. Don’t care
  196. Nope not even something we care to look at
  197. All look different! Doesn’t matter
  198. Doesn’t matter, just stoked to be having sex 🤣
  199. Totally unnecessary
  200. Yes we care!!!!!! You don’t want it looking like calamari!
  201. To an extent, but if the vibes right no one cares….
  202. No

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A woman from our Instagram community asked this question below. In turn, 190+ men responded.

Unattainable beauty standards, photoshop/ filters and porn has put an insane amount of societal pressure on women; specifically on their bodies. Enough pressure for women to consider Labiaplasty. Labiaplasty is surgery performed to alter the appearance of the labia; most commonly performed to make one’s labia shorter/ smaller.

A note for the men reading this:
If you judge someone for something they cannot change about themselves - something they were likely born with, your lack of self-awareness is just as unattractive as your ignorant judgement. And if you’re one of the men who wrote or agree with any of the offensive responses below, you yourself better have a perfect physique, and penis: color, cut, length AND girth. But unfortunately, none of these physical attributes will make up for your lack of humility, intellect and basic respect.

Note #2
Something a lot of people fail to realize about sexual anatomy is that people are simply born different shapes and sizes. Men believe because a woman has a longer labia or because she’s “not as tight” as he’d expect, that she must be extremely sexually active or older. This is simply untrue. A woman can be sexually inexperienced and have a longer labia/ bigger vaginal opening/ circumference because of her genetics.  So please get that senseless narrative out of your head.

Woo! Now that we got all that out of the way I can share the responses from 190+ men about this topic.

The majority of men say they don’t care. But what they do care about is hygiene (smell/ hair maintenance).

190+ responses from men:

  1. Hair maintenance > Labia maintenance
  2. Related Articles:
    Men’s preferred pubic hair maintenance on women.
    Women’s preferred pubic hair maintenance on men.
  3. Natural is best. Doctored is gross!
  4. I think we notice taste/smell more than anything lol 🤷🏽‍♂️
  5. Don’t notice
  6. No lol
  7. ..same way women have preference of 🍆🌶🍤
  8. Yes we do, the bigger question is how do some girls not know their V smells funky.
  9. What…. Please don’t get surgery. We barely remember what we wore yesterday.
  10. I think as long as it’s not a jungle down there, they all look diff, and that’s okay.
  11. I love vaginas of all shapes and sizes
  12. I’ve never had this be an issue
  13. Yeah everyone looks different down there, some cuter than others but it’s doesn’t matter
  14. We don’t care.
  15. To a degree, hygiene is far more important.
  16. I STRONGLY prefer bigger lips. Actually disappointed when they’re small/nonexistent
  17. Yes and Yes 😂
  18. This is absolutely hilarious, I hope they are kidding
  19. Fixing stuff we don’t care about.
  20. Do not care. Pleased to be there!
  21. Some are much prettier than others I will say that, but I’ve never had one turn me off.
  22. Depends
  23. Oh my fucking god - no. Don’t do that all vjj are wonderful!!!
  24. What in the world
  25. I mean do women notice what a man’s penis is like??? 😂
  26. Notice, yes…care, not really. Some prettier than others but clean/well manicured is 🔑
  27. Stop.. ladies.. If your man don’t love you the way you are upgrade to a new man
  28. This seems to be more self consciousness than driven by men’s reactions imo
  29. We do unfortunately
  30. Hell nah
  31. Nope. Unless it’s like to the point where skin gets pulled in during sex, not at all. Smell n taste matter more
  32. We notice but everyone's body is different to appraise them all, everyone’s beautiful!
  33. If it looks like a wizards sleeve then yeah otherwise no. Just make sure it doesn’t smell 😆
  34. Men don’t care. No ones turning down the seggs, especially when you’re that close
  35. There are definitely cute and ugly vaginas
  36. Not really… they’re all just a lil different
  37. Doesn’t really matter from my exp.
  38. If they love you they literally won’t care
  39. Not at all
  40. How old are these people getting this procedure? After kids?
  41. All Vs are beautiful just the way they are
  42. There are plenty of acceptable variations, but we care.
  43. Nah not really. Just please be clean and healthy
  44. That’s kind of a dumb question… girls obviously care what a dudes dick looks like
  45. Def care lol
  46. If a man is lucky enough to get a look at a girl’s vagina he shouldn’t be thinking twice
  47. Men DON'T CARE about: what your cat looks like, lonjas, cellulite, flawed skin, etc
  48. Not unless it’s a problem for them. Dicks aren’t that appealing to look at either lol
  49. Do not care
  50. Duh we notice… sometimes it matters, other times not.
  51. Genital mutilation?
  52. There can be better looking ones but as long as personal hygiene is a 10 it doesn’t matter
  53. Would you need an example to base my opinion off. I would notice if it looks good so there’s that
  54. Probably one of the things we notice the most
  55. Fixing stuff we don’t care about.
  56. It don’t matter what it looks like. So long as clean and kept
  57. We do, but most of the time is doesn’t matter
  58. Notice? Yes. Care? 99% of the time no.
  59. NO
  60. It’s not like I have a perfect looking penis so it doesn’t matter
  61. We care
  62. Don’t particularly care. Just has to feel good. :)
  63. Not at all
  64. I look and think wow like comfy
  65. I hope most men don’t care. Labiaplasty seems extreme but it’s her body her choice!
  66. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a vagina that looked bad.
  67. Not something that I particularly care about. How it feels is more important
  68. We notice, but at the same time, we really don’t care 🤷‍♂️
  69. Nope
  70. Notice-yes/Care-no. It’s about who you are. And the connection between two ppl
  71. Don’t care what it looks like. As long as my dick fits in nicely
  72. Absolutely we notice, and generally don’t care…but still have our favorite types.
  73. No we don’t care
  74. Notice, don’t care
  75. Hellz no we don’t care. Quit with the plastic surgery already!
  76. Unless it’s super loose.
  77. As long as it isn’t scary lookin we good
  78. Do we notice, yes. Do we care, no. (my babe sent me to answer this in the name of science)
  79. Yes we notice. But as with everything, different men like different vaginas. I love big lips 😊
  80. We care more about the taste and less about the appearance.
  81. If we are close enough to see, we are good
  82. …with men generally it’s more about maintenance, for beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
  83. Roughly I would say it’s 50/50
  84. Don’t care
  85. Again, might notice. But seriously (unless there’s something sketchy like medically) not bothered
  86. Don’t really care lol
  87. What? Why would a woman do this?? No.
  88. Not a bother. Everybody is different.
  89. Idk what you call it (outies?) but definitely prefer that to innies lol.. Everyone’s different
  90. Tbh some look better that others, but idc. Horrified 2 hear women r gettin plastic surgery!
  91. As long as my partner is comfortable, I don’t care one but!
  92. We notice
  93. 😱 Please no! Y’all are beautiful just as is!
  94. 💯. Just saw my exes vjj after a few years of not, and it wasn’t as pretty as before. 🤞 🤐
  95. I don’t care what it looks like. There’s more to love and relationships than that
  96. Hell no we don’t care.
  97. Noticing and caring are two different things. Of course we notice. Won’t prevent sex though
  98. I literally do not care what a vagina looks like. I do not find that part of a woman attractive regardless.
  99. Yes
  100. Waste of money.
  101. A pretty looking labia definitely helps. I imagine a big, good looking dick helps? Same same.
  102. Yes, some pussies are just plain ugly, and some are fucking beautiful.
  103. No. As long as your vag doesn’t smell weird or have a 4’’ clitoris it doesn’t matter what it looks like.
  104. Love what they look like. I’m just happy to be a part of the ‘’conversation’’ lol
  105. To be brutally honest we notice smell and taste more than appearance.
  106. I’d be shocked if people legitimately cared.
  107. Yes we notice, but no we don’t care. They are all beautiful 😍
  108. We notice but don’t care (unless there is A LOT of visible labia which is a turnoff usually)
  109. For the most part no but respectfully there are a few who might
  110. Couldn't care less
  111. An absolutely unnecessary, ridiculous procedure
  112. All are beautiful
  113. Doesn’t matter, porn influences that stereotype
  114. It can’t be out of control loose
  115. It doesn’t matter
  116. We definitely notice, but care? Nah, not really. For the fboys it’s a point of conversation later
  117. Not the right move unless it’s really what you want. Your parts are fine as they are 😆
  118. We do notice but don’t care
  119. No, don’t care what they look like.
  120. No.  Save your money
  121. Do not care. Definitely do not care enough to go get surgery done.
  122. Don’t notice, don’t care. Body confidence is hot regardless of what it or any part looks like
  123. Of course we see it and no we don’t care. We LIKE them lmao
  124. Yep and nope
  125. Couldn’t care less
  126. Kinda hard not to notice. But most are just whatever lol. I’ve only seen a few I thought looked…”weird”
  127. Nope don’t check them out
  128. Do not care
  129. No we don’t
  130. Not really
  131. Notice yes, care no
  132. Yes we notice. Don’t want it looking sloppy
  133. Men are very visual. Of course we notice
  134. Is it noticeable? Sure. Do we care? Nope
  135. Yes we notice
  136. Everyone has their preference. Not a big deal or worth surgery! Personality is key!
  137. This is ridiculous. Men aren’t getting dick surgery. Love your partner for who they are.
  138. Please. No vagina altering unless youre Binary or id as a fairy
  139. Yes I notice but don’t care.
  140. We care yes lol
  141. Yess. U can always tell when someone has high miles!! Too much use leaves big ass lips
  142. Notice? Yes. Care? Not really. Unless something is real off but even then usually no big deal
  143. I notice when they’re “cute” but don’t care otherwise. I haven’t seen anything gross yet
  144. Low key. Yes I notice and I probably shouldn’t care but I do. I don’t want one that looks beat up.
  145. I think everyone can appreciate pretty genitals but it’s not the be all or end all
  146. I couldn’t pick out my long-time gf’s vag in a crowd. Isn’t that why pornstars need tats?
  147. I’m hyper-observant, so I will notice, but I don’t care.
  148. Absolute waste just find the many that loves all of you.
  149. As long as the lips aren’t too big. I’m not bothered
  150. And! Some guys might even be more attracted to a bigger labia
  151. We like them all. I’ve never heard of a guy being turned off by how a girl’s bits looked.
  152. Never ever heard men even have a preference other thank available 💀. Woman’s media F
  153. As long as it doesn’t smell putrid, I’m golden
  154. Could care less unless there is something insane happening, which would expect a convo b4
  155. No be comfortable with who you are and men should respect that. Simple as that
  156. Absolutely not
  157. No we don’t care
  158. Yep definitely
  159. This question will hurt feelings. Nobody wants to eat something hanging down your leg 🤢
  160. I have a preference in the type of look I prefer, but would rarely be a dealbreaker
  161. Definitely notice, and again… No real man will care. Just bury your face in it and enjoy
  162. Nope. Keep the sharp objects away from the lady sandwich…
  163. I don’t understand that current trend, most vgs look perfectly unique
  164. Most guys do not care. They’re happy/content with being there in the first place. Lol
  165. I do notice and i think most guys do but i don’t it’s matters as much as hygiene and sensation
  166. Some do, just like women care whether a man is or isn’t circumcised.
  167. Yes we notice. No we don’t care … but we can tell that you do. Confidence is key !!!
  168. No not really
  169. I notice, and am fascinated! Just clean and a little maintained is enough!
  170. We don’t care and would you honestly want to be with a man who cares? Please don’t do it
  171. I think it’s normal to notice things but if you are into the person it doesn’t matter much
  172. Not at all. Every woman is beautiful in their own way.
  173. Single for 5 years and in my 30s now, I’ll take anything 😅😅
  174. Yes we do, there is such thing as an ugly vag and a nice looking vag!
  175. We notice but we don’t care lol. Who hurt y’all?
  176. Absolutely not
  177. Not at all, I think hygiene down there is far more important than looks lol
  178. Yeah but don’t care. We’re with a naked woman so we hit the Jack pot
  179. For sure
  180. Idek what that is^ but I definitely look at it get all up in it 😜😝😈
  181. I have never heard a man say “she had a weird looking vag” its all about her hygiene lol
  182. It does matter. Less so if there is love/commitment. “Kitty is kitty” men scare me. 😂
  183. Honestly don’t care - all about the fits and feeling
  184. Oh this will be a good one haha
  185. We notice. Don’t really care how it looks, but smell and taste we 100% care about
  186. Notice, yes. But if a guy actually likes you he won’t be shallow enough for it to matterI prefer longer labia! I imagine men like it all, but have preferences.
  187. It’s all pink on the inside 🤷‍♂️😂
  188. Yes we do we not just trying to get any monkey 😂 gotta get it looking nice
  189. Prefer natural , don’t get surgery it is beautiful naturally
  190. We definitely do. Just like you notice penis size. Please please please take care of your vaginas. Alot don’t
  191. Couldn’t care less and can’t picture one to this day
  192. Nope - just happy to be there 😂
  193. Be genuine when we kiss or give/get oral and we are turned on.
  194. Everyone’s is different and beautiful in its own right. We don’t care.
  195. Don’t care
  196. Nope not even something we care to look at
  197. All look different! Doesn’t matter
  198. Doesn’t matter, just stoked to be having sex 🤣
  199. Totally unnecessary
  200. Yes we care!!!!!! You don’t want it looking like calamari!
  201. To an extent, but if the vibes right no one cares….
  202. No
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