Women ask men: what they look for in a partner & other insight
Last week, women asked men questions such as:
- What do men and women appreciate more in a partner, an attractive face or body?
- How many men and women have faked their orgasm(s)?
- How many men actually want to get married?
- Do men care about stretch marks and cellulite?
- Do men prefer booty or ( * )( * )?
- What body type do men prefer? Model, slim, curvy or athletic/ muscular?
Let’s talk about it.
What do men and women appreciate more in a partner, an attractive face or body?
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I decided to share both the men (blue) and women (pink) votes to show the contrast in what men and women value more out of the two.
Here’s the thing… for women, it’s less about our partner’s having an incredible body vs taking care of themselves for their own well-being. We don’t need our partner to have only 4% body fat, although a very small percentage of women may prefer this. Men on the other hand, are far more visual than women.
How many men and women have faked their orgasm(s)?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
YOU’RE TELLING ME 37% OF MEN HAVE FAKED THEIR ORGASM(S) BEFORE? I thought these sad theatrics were exclusive to the ladies. HOW does a guy fake his orgasm? Great question, so glad you asked. I asked around and they told me in the past they have either pretended to climax while having a condom on or they pretend to climax in their hand.
Why would men fake their orgasms? For lots of different reasons. It could be that they just can’t get themselves to the point of climax, they could be stressed, not horny enough or distracted and just want to get it over with. I’ve also heard certain anxiety meds make it difficult for men to reach climax. It could have to do with performance anxiety. They could be over thinking every second and their anxiety takes over and they begin to lose their erection.
A lot of guys have mentioned the best way to handle this situation with them is to be understanding and NOT take it personally. After all, it’s happening to them, not you… why should they be consoling you?
Moving on to a more serious genre— The Female Orgasm Gap.
80% of women reported having faked their orgasms before while 67% of men saying they have never faked an orgasm.
75% of women either CANNOT or RARELY achieve an orgasm without some sort of clitoral stimulation. That means only 25% of women can reach orgasm through regular penetration. In my last article, I encouraged men to lend us a helping hand. Check out the full article here.
How many men want to get married?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
Do men care about stretch marks and cellulite?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
Some men privately messaged me and said they chose yes only if the stretch marks and cellulite were due to a lack of self-care. Which I understood. But I also let them know sometimes people are just more prone to stretch marks than others. That it can happen with muscle gains, weight loss or happen during puberty— even in men. However, the majority of men (78%) do not give a flying fck about our stretch marks or cellulite. They’re just happy to be there— as they should be.
Which do men prefer, booty or boobies?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
BRB, about to go hit legs/ booty. 😂
Have men ever been too intimidated to initiate/ make the first move?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
If you’ve been rejected, you know how vulnerable and hurtful it can feel it. Rejection actually piggybacks on physical pain pathways in the brain. fMRI studies show that the same areas of the brain become activated when we experience rejection as when we experience physical pain.
I don’t think us women really consider how often men face rejection. They typically have to initiate and pursue women. If they’ve been consistently rejected, these experiences and anxiety can chip away at their confidence.
Unique Situations:
I know a lot of guys who would rather avoid shooting their shot if the girl they have their eyes on is with a large group of women (because it’s intimidating to go up to a large group of women). If you see a cute guy, make yourself approachable by being in his proximity, making eye contact and give him a smile. This will give them the green light to approach you.
Or… go up to him and make the first move! I recently asked the men from our instagram how they feel about women coming up to them first. I will write a separate article on their exact responses but the overwhelming majority were practically begging for more women to make the first move!
What body type do men prefer? Model, slim, curvy or athletic/ muscular?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
There were no reference pictures but I think we all have a similar idea as to what each one looks like. Are you shocked by these votes? Send me a DM on Instagram and let me know!
RELATED ARTICLE: Men ask, women answer.
Is height or confidence in a man more important to a woman?
How many women have cheated before?
What’s more important in a partner, an attractive body or face?
Do women fake orgasms?
Is having nice teeth important to women?
I hope you enjoyed this article/ insight! I’ve you loved it, share it with some friends.
Last week, women asked men questions such as:
- What do men and women appreciate more in a partner, an attractive face or body?
- How many men and women have faked their orgasm(s)?
- How many men actually want to get married?
- Do men care about stretch marks and cellulite?
- Do men prefer booty or ( * )( * )?
- What body type do men prefer? Model, slim, curvy or athletic/ muscular?
Let’s talk about it.
What do men and women appreciate more in a partner, an attractive face or body?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
I decided to share both the men (blue) and women (pink) votes to show the contrast in what men and women value more out of the two.
Here’s the thing… for women, it’s less about our partner’s having an incredible body vs taking care of themselves for their own well-being. We don’t need our partner to have only 4% body fat, although a very small percentage of women may prefer this. Men on the other hand, are far more visual than women.
How many men and women have faked their orgasm(s)?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
YOU’RE TELLING ME 37% OF MEN HAVE FAKED THEIR ORGASM(S) BEFORE? I thought these sad theatrics were exclusive to the ladies. HOW does a guy fake his orgasm? Great question, so glad you asked. I asked around and they told me in the past they have either pretended to climax while having a condom on or they pretend to climax in their hand.
Why would men fake their orgasms? For lots of different reasons. It could be that they just can’t get themselves to the point of climax, they could be stressed, not horny enough or distracted and just want to get it over with. I’ve also heard certain anxiety meds make it difficult for men to reach climax. It could have to do with performance anxiety. They could be over thinking every second and their anxiety takes over and they begin to lose their erection.
A lot of guys have mentioned the best way to handle this situation with them is to be understanding and NOT take it personally. After all, it’s happening to them, not you… why should they be consoling you?
Moving on to a more serious genre— The Female Orgasm Gap.
80% of women reported having faked their orgasms before while 67% of men saying they have never faked an orgasm.
75% of women either CANNOT or RARELY achieve an orgasm without some sort of clitoral stimulation. That means only 25% of women can reach orgasm through regular penetration. In my last article, I encouraged men to lend us a helping hand. Check out the full article here.
How many men want to get married?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
Do men care about stretch marks and cellulite?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
Some men privately messaged me and said they chose yes only if the stretch marks and cellulite were due to a lack of self-care. Which I understood. But I also let them know sometimes people are just more prone to stretch marks than others. That it can happen with muscle gains, weight loss or happen during puberty— even in men. However, the majority of men (78%) do not give a flying fck about our stretch marks or cellulite. They’re just happy to be there— as they should be.
Which do men prefer, booty or boobies?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
BRB, about to go hit legs/ booty. 😂
Have men ever been too intimidated to initiate/ make the first move?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
If you’ve been rejected, you know how vulnerable and hurtful it can feel it. Rejection actually piggybacks on physical pain pathways in the brain. fMRI studies show that the same areas of the brain become activated when we experience rejection as when we experience physical pain.
I don’t think us women really consider how often men face rejection. They typically have to initiate and pursue women. If they’ve been consistently rejected, these experiences and anxiety can chip away at their confidence.
Unique Situations:
I know a lot of guys who would rather avoid shooting their shot if the girl they have their eyes on is with a large group of women (because it’s intimidating to go up to a large group of women). If you see a cute guy, make yourself approachable by being in his proximity, making eye contact and give him a smile. This will give them the green light to approach you.
Or… go up to him and make the first move! I recently asked the men from our instagram how they feel about women coming up to them first. I will write a separate article on their exact responses but the overwhelming majority were practically begging for more women to make the first move!
What body type do men prefer? Model, slim, curvy or athletic/ muscular?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
There were no reference pictures but I think we all have a similar idea as to what each one looks like. Are you shocked by these votes? Send me a DM on Instagram and let me know!
RELATED ARTICLE: Men ask, women answer.
Is height or confidence in a man more important to a woman?
How many women have cheated before?
What’s more important in a partner, an attractive body or face?
Do women fake orgasms?
Is having nice teeth important to women?
I hope you enjoyed this article/ insight! I’ve you loved it, share it with some friends.
Last week, women asked men questions such as:
- What do men and women appreciate more in a partner, an attractive face or body?
- How many men and women have faked their orgasm(s)?
- How many men actually want to get married?
- Do men care about stretch marks and cellulite?
- Do men prefer booty or ( * )( * )?
- What body type do men prefer? Model, slim, curvy or athletic/ muscular?
Let’s talk about it.
What do men and women appreciate more in a partner, an attractive face or body?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
I decided to share both the men (blue) and women (pink) votes to show the contrast in what men and women value more out of the two.
Here’s the thing… for women, it’s less about our partner’s having an incredible body vs taking care of themselves for their own well-being. We don’t need our partner to have only 4% body fat, although a very small percentage of women may prefer this. Men on the other hand, are far more visual than women.
How many men and women have faked their orgasm(s)?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
YOU’RE TELLING ME 37% OF MEN HAVE FAKED THEIR ORGASM(S) BEFORE? I thought these sad theatrics were exclusive to the ladies. HOW does a guy fake his orgasm? Great question, so glad you asked. I asked around and they told me in the past they have either pretended to climax while having a condom on or they pretend to climax in their hand.
Why would men fake their orgasms? For lots of different reasons. It could be that they just can’t get themselves to the point of climax, they could be stressed, not horny enough or distracted and just want to get it over with. I’ve also heard certain anxiety meds make it difficult for men to reach climax. It could have to do with performance anxiety. They could be over thinking every second and their anxiety takes over and they begin to lose their erection.
A lot of guys have mentioned the best way to handle this situation with them is to be understanding and NOT take it personally. After all, it’s happening to them, not you… why should they be consoling you?
Moving on to a more serious genre— The Female Orgasm Gap.
80% of women reported having faked their orgasms before while 67% of men saying they have never faked an orgasm.
75% of women either CANNOT or RARELY achieve an orgasm without some sort of clitoral stimulation. That means only 25% of women can reach orgasm through regular penetration. In my last article, I encouraged men to lend us a helping hand. Check out the full article here.
How many men want to get married?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
Do men care about stretch marks and cellulite?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
Some men privately messaged me and said they chose yes only if the stretch marks and cellulite were due to a lack of self-care. Which I understood. But I also let them know sometimes people are just more prone to stretch marks than others. That it can happen with muscle gains, weight loss or happen during puberty— even in men. However, the majority of men (78%) do not give a flying fck about our stretch marks or cellulite. They’re just happy to be there— as they should be.
Which do men prefer, booty or boobies?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
BRB, about to go hit legs/ booty. 😂
Have men ever been too intimidated to initiate/ make the first move?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
If you’ve been rejected, you know how vulnerable and hurtful it can feel it. Rejection actually piggybacks on physical pain pathways in the brain. fMRI studies show that the same areas of the brain become activated when we experience rejection as when we experience physical pain.
I don’t think us women really consider how often men face rejection. They typically have to initiate and pursue women. If they’ve been consistently rejected, these experiences and anxiety can chip away at their confidence.
Unique Situations:
I know a lot of guys who would rather avoid shooting their shot if the girl they have their eyes on is with a large group of women (because it’s intimidating to go up to a large group of women). If you see a cute guy, make yourself approachable by being in his proximity, making eye contact and give him a smile. This will give them the green light to approach you.
Or… go up to him and make the first move! I recently asked the men from our instagram how they feel about women coming up to them first. I will write a separate article on their exact responses but the overwhelming majority were practically begging for more women to make the first move!
What body type do men prefer? Model, slim, curvy or athletic/ muscular?
USAGE DISCLAIMER: The duplicating, uploading and distribution ofthis work/ data without permission or rightfully crediting the author is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material, please contact hello@selfcareeverydamnday.com. Thank you for your support.
There were no reference pictures but I think we all have a similar idea as to what each one looks like. Are you shocked by these votes? Send me a DM on Instagram and let me know!
RELATED ARTICLE: Men ask, women answer.
Is height or confidence in a man more important to a woman?
How many women have cheated before?
What’s more important in a partner, an attractive body or face?
Do women fake orgasms?
Is having nice teeth important to women?
I hope you enjoyed this article/ insight! I’ve you loved it, share it with some friends.