Men and Women Are Attracted To The Same Thing

#Dating + Relationships


That magnetic aura you gravitate towards either physically or mentally with your thoughts… ‘Who is that person?’, ‘What’s their name?’ In part, I believe confidence is attractive because not many people possess genuine confidence.

To me, confidence is knowing you are worthy. It’s knowing who you are, what value you hold and not worrying about what anyone else thinks.

Some people derive their confidence from their physical appearance… Though this may help them walk into a room, it will not allow them hold their presence within that same room.

Confidence is built and rebuilt time and time again. You have to accept the good and the not so great aspects about yourself while working on the latter. One of the easiest ways to chip away at your own confidence is by not following through with promises you’ve made to yourself. This leads to self-sabotaging and eventually to insecurities. Anyone else been there? Same.

Confidence should start within yourself

Lol- I know how corny and cliche that sounds but stay with me. Example: If an extremely attractive person ‘validates you’ by calling you hot or tries to pursue you, what happens when that person is no longer there to feed that validation? You feel a void that was created by someone else. Now imagine if you created that validation all on your own by investing time in your self-care routine, reflecting on areas in your life you’d like to grow and working on the things you can change instead of worrying about the things you cannot change? You validate yourself so even when that really attractive person calls you hot, you don’t get attached at their mere attention by overvaluing their opinion, you take it as a compliment.

Personally, I feel most attracted to people who believe in themselves to the point of not needing to seek validation from others, not even me. I’m attracted to people who are secure, self-assured and assertive. If you lack confidence in yourself there is a chance I will lack confidence in you just because that is the vibe you are putting out there. I want someone who is gonna have a “don’t worry, we’ve got this” kind of attitude.

These kinds of attitudes are magnetic. It shows people living fully and freely… confidently.

Life hack:

Life gets substantially better when you stop giving a fck about what everyone thinks about you. Here’s my truth: everyone is living in a different reality, as in- we are ALL interpreting things differently. For someone to have an opinion/judgment about your life, especially when they know very little about you, it is automatically a distortion of your actual life/reality. So why are we feeding into people’s false perceptions of us? Let go of the story you’re creating by wondering what others think of you and instead, do you. Do what makes you happy, do what makes you feel good. That right there is a perfect way to begin building your confidence.

With love,

Stephanie Daily

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That magnetic aura you gravitate towards either physically or mentally with your thoughts… ‘Who is that person?’, ‘What’s their name?’ In part, I believe confidence is attractive because not many people possess genuine confidence.

To me, confidence is knowing you are worthy. It’s knowing who you are, what value you hold and not worrying about what anyone else thinks.

Some people derive their confidence from their physical appearance… Though this may help them walk into a room, it will not allow them hold their presence within that same room.

Confidence is built and rebuilt time and time again. You have to accept the good and the not so great aspects about yourself while working on the latter. One of the easiest ways to chip away at your own confidence is by not following through with promises you’ve made to yourself. This leads to self-sabotaging and eventually to insecurities. Anyone else been there? Same.

Confidence should start within yourself

Lol- I know how corny and cliche that sounds but stay with me. Example: If an extremely attractive person ‘validates you’ by calling you hot or tries to pursue you, what happens when that person is no longer there to feed that validation? You feel a void that was created by someone else. Now imagine if you created that validation all on your own by investing time in your self-care routine, reflecting on areas in your life you’d like to grow and working on the things you can change instead of worrying about the things you cannot change? You validate yourself so even when that really attractive person calls you hot, you don’t get attached at their mere attention by overvaluing their opinion, you take it as a compliment.

Personally, I feel most attracted to people who believe in themselves to the point of not needing to seek validation from others, not even me. I’m attracted to people who are secure, self-assured and assertive. If you lack confidence in yourself there is a chance I will lack confidence in you just because that is the vibe you are putting out there. I want someone who is gonna have a “don’t worry, we’ve got this” kind of attitude.

These kinds of attitudes are magnetic. It shows people living fully and freely… confidently.

Life hack:

Life gets substantially better when you stop giving a fck about what everyone thinks about you. Here’s my truth: everyone is living in a different reality, as in- we are ALL interpreting things differently. For someone to have an opinion/judgment about your life, especially when they know very little about you, it is automatically a distortion of your actual life/reality. So why are we feeding into people’s false perceptions of us? Let go of the story you’re creating by wondering what others think of you and instead, do you. Do what makes you happy, do what makes you feel good. That right there is a perfect way to begin building your confidence.

With love,

Stephanie Daily

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That magnetic aura you gravitate towards either physically or mentally with your thoughts… ‘Who is that person?’, ‘What’s their name?’ In part, I believe confidence is attractive because not many people possess genuine confidence.

To me, confidence is knowing you are worthy. It’s knowing who you are, what value you hold and not worrying about what anyone else thinks.

Some people derive their confidence from their physical appearance… Though this may help them walk into a room, it will not allow them hold their presence within that same room.

Confidence is built and rebuilt time and time again. You have to accept the good and the not so great aspects about yourself while working on the latter. One of the easiest ways to chip away at your own confidence is by not following through with promises you’ve made to yourself. This leads to self-sabotaging and eventually to insecurities. Anyone else been there? Same.

Confidence should start within yourself

Lol- I know how corny and cliche that sounds but stay with me. Example: If an extremely attractive person ‘validates you’ by calling you hot or tries to pursue you, what happens when that person is no longer there to feed that validation? You feel a void that was created by someone else. Now imagine if you created that validation all on your own by investing time in your self-care routine, reflecting on areas in your life you’d like to grow and working on the things you can change instead of worrying about the things you cannot change? You validate yourself so even when that really attractive person calls you hot, you don’t get attached at their mere attention by overvaluing their opinion, you take it as a compliment.

Personally, I feel most attracted to people who believe in themselves to the point of not needing to seek validation from others, not even me. I’m attracted to people who are secure, self-assured and assertive. If you lack confidence in yourself there is a chance I will lack confidence in you just because that is the vibe you are putting out there. I want someone who is gonna have a “don’t worry, we’ve got this” kind of attitude.

These kinds of attitudes are magnetic. It shows people living fully and freely… confidently.

Life hack:

Life gets substantially better when you stop giving a fck about what everyone thinks about you. Here’s my truth: everyone is living in a different reality, as in- we are ALL interpreting things differently. For someone to have an opinion/judgment about your life, especially when they know very little about you, it is automatically a distortion of your actual life/reality. So why are we feeding into people’s false perceptions of us? Let go of the story you’re creating by wondering what others think of you and instead, do you. Do what makes you happy, do what makes you feel good. That right there is a perfect way to begin building your confidence.

With love,

Stephanie Daily

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