Men ask women: what they look for in a guy & other insight

#Dating + Relationships

Earlier this week, men and women from our Instagram community asked each other questions about what they prefer in a partner and insight about each other.

Questions like:

Is height or confidence in a man more important to a woman?
How many women have cheated before?
What’s more important in a partner, an attractive body or face?
Do women fake orgasms?
Is having nice teeth important to women?

Let’s dig in, shall we?

What’s more important for a woman, a tall man or a confident man?

Based on 393 women who voted.

If you’re a guy reading this, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself, ‘do women care about a guy’s height?’, and the answer is… it depends on the woman. Taller women prefer taller men. But that doesn’t mean ALL women consider height or a lack thereof to be a deal breaker. For the majority of women, confidence is SO much more important. Confidence is magnetic because it makes us women believe you are sure of yourself, your purpose and the life you want to experience.

Some people derive their confidence from their physical appearance (height)… Though this may help them walk into a room and standout, it will not allow them hold their presence within that same room. To me, someone genuinely confident does not seek validation nor compare, they create their own happiness and accept the good and the not-so-good aspects about themselves while working on the latter. Check out this article for a more in-depth understanding as to why women are attracted to confidence.

You can be tall and insecure/ lack confidence. In a woman’s eyes & mind, this will typically make us think this kind of guy is weak and unsure about himself. How can we be sure about you if you’re unsure about yourself?

How many women have cheated?

Based on 352 women who voted.

DM me on Instagram if you have more questions you want me to explore in regards to this topic/ data.

What do women value more in a partner, an attractive face or body?

Based on 1,210 men and women who voted.

I decided to share both the men (blue) and women (pink) votes to show the contrast in what men and women value more out of the two.

Here’s the thing… for women, it’s less about our partner’s having an incredible body vs taking care of themselves for their own well-being. We don’t need our partner to have only 4% body fat, although a very small percentage of women may prefer this.

In fact, when I asked 291 women, 76% of them preferred a body type that was something between a dad bod and six pack abs. 16% of them preferred six pack abs and 8% of them preferred a dad bod.

Do men and women fake orgasms?

Based on 1,155 men and women who voted.

Let’s talk about The Orgasm Gap.

80% of women reported having faked their orgasms before while 67% of men saying they have never faked an orgasm.

75% of women either CANNOT or RARELY achieve an orgasm without some sort of clitoral stimulation. That means only 25% of women can reach orgasm through regular penetration. What can you do about it? Great question. You can either give her the direct stimuli or encourage her to do it to herself during sex with you. I’d love for you to help us normalize needing a helping hand during sex. It’s a very underrated thing and I can guarantee you that your partner will welcome it and be impressed.

Sexual intimacy/climax for the majority of women is far more mental than it is physical (at first). We need to feel extremely comfortable, desired and encouraged to explore our sensuality with you before reaching climax. You can easily and steadily build this up with and for us during foreplay (slow down, take your time). If you’re unsure about what feels best for her, ask her: How does this feel? What feels best for you? Can you show me?

RELATED ARTICLES: Sex tips for men parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Is having nice teeth important to women?

Based on 415 women who voted.

Nice teeth doesn’t necessarily mean a perfect, white/ straight smile. I believe the majority of women were voting on the importance of good dental hygiene— you know, flossing, brushing and going to your dentist for cleanings/ necessary fillings & other dental work.

Would you want to make out with someone who had plaque all over their teeth? Or someone who never flossed and you can see allll the… BLEH. Never mind. I just made my own stomach turn. A good smile/ dental hygiene is extremely important to me. So much so that poor dental hygiene is one of my deal breakers.

Here is my favorite toothpaste and floss.

Nice teeth = good dental hygiene.

I understand some people were simply not raised with the knowledge on how or why to take care of their teeth. Others may have not been able to afford braces. I am not judging these people whatsoever.

It’s never too late to begin investing in your health. Oral hygiene is so underrated for some reason. A good smile can make SUCH a difference on someone’s appearance/ attractiveness. If you’ve been considering getting Invisalign, consider this your sign. Also consider this your sign to call your dentist for a checkup/ cleaning!

I hope you enjoyed these votes/ insight! If you loved it, please share it with some friends.


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Earlier this week, men and women from our Instagram community asked each other questions about what they prefer in a partner and insight about each other.

Questions like:

Is height or confidence in a man more important to a woman?
How many women have cheated before?
What’s more important in a partner, an attractive body or face?
Do women fake orgasms?
Is having nice teeth important to women?

Let’s dig in, shall we?

What’s more important for a woman, a tall man or a confident man?

Based on 393 women who voted.

If you’re a guy reading this, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself, ‘do women care about a guy’s height?’, and the answer is… it depends on the woman. Taller women prefer taller men. But that doesn’t mean ALL women consider height or a lack thereof to be a deal breaker. For the majority of women, confidence is SO much more important. Confidence is magnetic because it makes us women believe you are sure of yourself, your purpose and the life you want to experience.

Some people derive their confidence from their physical appearance (height)… Though this may help them walk into a room and standout, it will not allow them hold their presence within that same room. To me, someone genuinely confident does not seek validation nor compare, they create their own happiness and accept the good and the not-so-good aspects about themselves while working on the latter. Check out this article for a more in-depth understanding as to why women are attracted to confidence.

You can be tall and insecure/ lack confidence. In a woman’s eyes & mind, this will typically make us think this kind of guy is weak and unsure about himself. How can we be sure about you if you’re unsure about yourself?

How many women have cheated?

Based on 352 women who voted.

DM me on Instagram if you have more questions you want me to explore in regards to this topic/ data.

What do women value more in a partner, an attractive face or body?

Based on 1,210 men and women who voted.

I decided to share both the men (blue) and women (pink) votes to show the contrast in what men and women value more out of the two.

Here’s the thing… for women, it’s less about our partner’s having an incredible body vs taking care of themselves for their own well-being. We don’t need our partner to have only 4% body fat, although a very small percentage of women may prefer this.

In fact, when I asked 291 women, 76% of them preferred a body type that was something between a dad bod and six pack abs. 16% of them preferred six pack abs and 8% of them preferred a dad bod.

Do men and women fake orgasms?

Based on 1,155 men and women who voted.

Let’s talk about The Orgasm Gap.

80% of women reported having faked their orgasms before while 67% of men saying they have never faked an orgasm.

75% of women either CANNOT or RARELY achieve an orgasm without some sort of clitoral stimulation. That means only 25% of women can reach orgasm through regular penetration. What can you do about it? Great question. You can either give her the direct stimuli or encourage her to do it to herself during sex with you. I’d love for you to help us normalize needing a helping hand during sex. It’s a very underrated thing and I can guarantee you that your partner will welcome it and be impressed.

Sexual intimacy/climax for the majority of women is far more mental than it is physical (at first). We need to feel extremely comfortable, desired and encouraged to explore our sensuality with you before reaching climax. You can easily and steadily build this up with and for us during foreplay (slow down, take your time). If you’re unsure about what feels best for her, ask her: How does this feel? What feels best for you? Can you show me?

RELATED ARTICLES: Sex tips for men parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Is having nice teeth important to women?

Based on 415 women who voted.

Nice teeth doesn’t necessarily mean a perfect, white/ straight smile. I believe the majority of women were voting on the importance of good dental hygiene— you know, flossing, brushing and going to your dentist for cleanings/ necessary fillings & other dental work.

Would you want to make out with someone who had plaque all over their teeth? Or someone who never flossed and you can see allll the… BLEH. Never mind. I just made my own stomach turn. A good smile/ dental hygiene is extremely important to me. So much so that poor dental hygiene is one of my deal breakers.

Here is my favorite toothpaste and floss.

Nice teeth = good dental hygiene.

I understand some people were simply not raised with the knowledge on how or why to take care of their teeth. Others may have not been able to afford braces. I am not judging these people whatsoever.

It’s never too late to begin investing in your health. Oral hygiene is so underrated for some reason. A good smile can make SUCH a difference on someone’s appearance/ attractiveness. If you’ve been considering getting Invisalign, consider this your sign. Also consider this your sign to call your dentist for a checkup/ cleaning!

I hope you enjoyed these votes/ insight! If you loved it, please share it with some friends.


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Earlier this week, men and women from our Instagram community asked each other questions about what they prefer in a partner and insight about each other.

Questions like:

Is height or confidence in a man more important to a woman?
How many women have cheated before?
What’s more important in a partner, an attractive body or face?
Do women fake orgasms?
Is having nice teeth important to women?

Let’s dig in, shall we?

What’s more important for a woman, a tall man or a confident man?

Based on 393 women who voted.

If you’re a guy reading this, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself, ‘do women care about a guy’s height?’, and the answer is… it depends on the woman. Taller women prefer taller men. But that doesn’t mean ALL women consider height or a lack thereof to be a deal breaker. For the majority of women, confidence is SO much more important. Confidence is magnetic because it makes us women believe you are sure of yourself, your purpose and the life you want to experience.

Some people derive their confidence from their physical appearance (height)… Though this may help them walk into a room and standout, it will not allow them hold their presence within that same room. To me, someone genuinely confident does not seek validation nor compare, they create their own happiness and accept the good and the not-so-good aspects about themselves while working on the latter. Check out this article for a more in-depth understanding as to why women are attracted to confidence.

You can be tall and insecure/ lack confidence. In a woman’s eyes & mind, this will typically make us think this kind of guy is weak and unsure about himself. How can we be sure about you if you’re unsure about yourself?

How many women have cheated?

Based on 352 women who voted.

DM me on Instagram if you have more questions you want me to explore in regards to this topic/ data.

What do women value more in a partner, an attractive face or body?

Based on 1,210 men and women who voted.

I decided to share both the men (blue) and women (pink) votes to show the contrast in what men and women value more out of the two.

Here’s the thing… for women, it’s less about our partner’s having an incredible body vs taking care of themselves for their own well-being. We don’t need our partner to have only 4% body fat, although a very small percentage of women may prefer this.

In fact, when I asked 291 women, 76% of them preferred a body type that was something between a dad bod and six pack abs. 16% of them preferred six pack abs and 8% of them preferred a dad bod.

Do men and women fake orgasms?

Based on 1,155 men and women who voted.

Let’s talk about The Orgasm Gap.

80% of women reported having faked their orgasms before while 67% of men saying they have never faked an orgasm.

75% of women either CANNOT or RARELY achieve an orgasm without some sort of clitoral stimulation. That means only 25% of women can reach orgasm through regular penetration. What can you do about it? Great question. You can either give her the direct stimuli or encourage her to do it to herself during sex with you. I’d love for you to help us normalize needing a helping hand during sex. It’s a very underrated thing and I can guarantee you that your partner will welcome it and be impressed.

Sexual intimacy/climax for the majority of women is far more mental than it is physical (at first). We need to feel extremely comfortable, desired and encouraged to explore our sensuality with you before reaching climax. You can easily and steadily build this up with and for us during foreplay (slow down, take your time). If you’re unsure about what feels best for her, ask her: How does this feel? What feels best for you? Can you show me?

RELATED ARTICLES: Sex tips for men parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Is having nice teeth important to women?

Based on 415 women who voted.

Nice teeth doesn’t necessarily mean a perfect, white/ straight smile. I believe the majority of women were voting on the importance of good dental hygiene— you know, flossing, brushing and going to your dentist for cleanings/ necessary fillings & other dental work.

Would you want to make out with someone who had plaque all over their teeth? Or someone who never flossed and you can see allll the… BLEH. Never mind. I just made my own stomach turn. A good smile/ dental hygiene is extremely important to me. So much so that poor dental hygiene is one of my deal breakers.

Here is my favorite toothpaste and floss.

Nice teeth = good dental hygiene.

I understand some people were simply not raised with the knowledge on how or why to take care of their teeth. Others may have not been able to afford braces. I am not judging these people whatsoever.

It’s never too late to begin investing in your health. Oral hygiene is so underrated for some reason. A good smile can make SUCH a difference on someone’s appearance/ attractiveness. If you’ve been considering getting Invisalign, consider this your sign. Also consider this your sign to call your dentist for a checkup/ cleaning!

I hope you enjoyed these votes/ insight! If you loved it, please share it with some friends.


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