Sex Tips for Men Pt. 2

#Dating + Relationships

Hello ladies and gents, welcome back for round 2 😉. As promised, here is part 2 and yes, it’s even juicier. Part of me didn’t want to release this one because the questions were quite
 penetrating (lol). But I know that would be a huge tease and I can’t do that to ya after all the build up via Instagram.

Let’s get right into it, again, shall we?

*Every question, vote, and response came from our instagram community*

The one thing men AREN’T doing to pleasure a woman:

God bless the man who asked this question. 30 women directly responded once I posted this question and of those women, 27 said the same exact thing
 foreplay. Are you shocked? I am, simply because 90% of women said the same thing! That means that men either aren’t initiating/ participating in ANY foreplay or are not playing around long enough.

Allow me to sexplain:

75% of women either CANNOT or RARELY achieve an orgasm without some sort of clitoral stimulation. That means only 25% of women can reach orgasm through regular penetration. Oh. My. God
 I just realized that means there is only a 25% chance a girl will experience an orgasm during regular penetration with her partner.


Sexual intimacy/climax for the majority of women is far more mental than it is physical (at first). We need to feel comfortable, extremely desired and encouraged to explore our sensuality with you before reaching climax. You can easily and steadily build this up with and for us during foreplay.

To me, a great/compatible sexual partner is someone who genuinely cares about the other partner’s sexual well-being/pleasure.

Gents, now knowing what you know, put down your watch and stay/play around a little while longer - maybe even until SHE makes the next move.

K, that was a bit long-winded but obviously a necessary sexplaination.

What is the ideal size?

The answer to this is and isn’t simple. It cannot be translated into a metric because there are two sizes that matter here — his AND hers. Although the majority of women who responded to this said that the length doesn’t matter as much as his over all thickness, there is also such thing as too thick. You likely wanted me to show you a number in inches. Sorry, gents, it doesn’t work like that because the ideal size is and will be different based on a woman’s own size and fill preference. But if you need a concrete answer - girth matters.

The top 2 things women want to hear in the bedroom:

Who would have known that expressing and vocalizing enjoyment of pleasure would turn us women on even more?! Just like you gents, we get turned on even more when we hear/see that something we are doing/saying is making our partner feel good.


Like what you see? SAY IT. Enjoying what you feel? SAY IT. Loving the view? DESCRIBE IT. Compliments during sexual intimacy is reassuring and empowering for us. This sort of intimacy can be extremely vulnerable for many women (even if they don’t show their nervousness) so when you meet us with this kind of reassurance, it provides support, empowerment and permission for sexual exploration and expression.

Her name

This was the second most common submission and I agree. This further supports the notion that women want to be empowered in the bedroom. We want to feel extremely desired and encouraged to explore our sensuality with you. When you say our name in this setting it also gives us guidance on your sexual pleasure.

Don’t over do either of these two things. Scatter them throughout the sexperience. Too many compliments could come off as a bit too much.

Should you warn her before finishing in her mouth?

154 out of 198 women (78%) want a VERBAL warning BEFORE you finish off in her mouth.
I believe it was Alexander Bell who said, “before anything else, preparation is the key to success”. Preparation here includes the right breathing technique, position and focus.  

On behalf of the majority of women who voted, in addition to a warning, we would really appreciate feedback on what feels best so we can do more of it because honestly, we don’t want to be down there for more than a max of 15 mins. Even though the majority of women (63%) enjoy giving head, every guy is different in terms of what feels best for him; so verbal guidance on their behalf is very much appreciated. Plus, communicating what feels good is a turn on. It’s empowering/validating for us women to hear that something we’re doing is making our partner feel that sort of pleasure, remember?

Does a woman want you to pull out or finish inside?

Nearly a 50/50 split. 115 out of 233 women (49%) prefer a guy to pull out. Personally, I think either or is a SUPER intimate and risky thing. People underestimate the power of exchanging sexual energy. The more intimate things are, the more energy you give away to and receive from the person you are being intimate with (for better or for worse). But that’s an entirely different discussion, let’s get back on track:

If you’re going to proceed without any barriers, I highly suggest you ask a couple questions beforehand such as: are you on birth control? When is the last time you got tested? I know these aren’t sexy conversations but they are necessary.

Do women enjoy a round 2 or 3?

Contrary to old beliefs such as ‘women are less sexual than men’, yes, we are down for a round 2 or 3 especially if we really like you.


These are both pretty aggressive kinks if you’re jumping right into them without any permission or warning. It’s a tough dance only because I’m a big advocate for leading with confidence in all areas of your life, including in the bedroom. So part of me wants to say confidence is key when entering into these risquĂ© dimensions because women are attracted to confidence (PSA, us ladies are the same as you men in that aspect).

But another part of me wants to say play it safe/sexy and ask your partner what they enjoy. Communication between sexual partners is proven to increase sexual pleasure and satisfaction ;).

Choking: there is a 63% chance your partner is down for some light or aggressive choking.

Booty Play: Is defined as anything bum-related, licking, touching, teasing, etc
 47% of women are open to exploring this sort of thing.



Part 2, DONE! The main things I’d like for ALL men to take away from this is the importance of communication and genuine care for your partner’s sexual well-being and pleasure. It’s SO attractive when a guy communicates his pleasure points and asks his partner about theirs. As mentioned above, it’s proven that communication between partners increases their sexual satisfaction. Non-verbals are great and all but intimacy is SO much more enjoyable when you ask for guidance and communicate your preferences.

There are A LOT of people who receive pleasure just from giving it. Sex should be a mutually pleasurable experience. Care about your partner’s desires, comfort and climax, they’ll do the same right back. If not, you’re with the wrong partner and life’s too short for sex with a selfish partner.

Related Articles:
Sex tips for men part 1
Sex tips for men part 3

Sex tips for men part 4

Thank you to every man who posed a question and to every woman who answered! These articles pushed me wayy out of my comfort zone, but they were so fun to put together!

If you found this series valuable, please share my profile/blog with a friend! Creating these are fun but also SO much work. It would be mean a lot if others received the same value you may have gotten throughout this article.

xX Stephanie








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Hello ladies and gents, welcome back for round 2 😉. As promised, here is part 2 and yes, it’s even juicier. Part of me didn’t want to release this one because the questions were quite
 penetrating (lol). But I know that would be a huge tease and I can’t do that to ya after all the build up via Instagram.

Let’s get right into it, again, shall we?

*Every question, vote, and response came from our instagram community*

The one thing men AREN’T doing to pleasure a woman:

God bless the man who asked this question. 30 women directly responded once I posted this question and of those women, 27 said the same exact thing
 foreplay. Are you shocked? I am, simply because 90% of women said the same thing! That means that men either aren’t initiating/ participating in ANY foreplay or are not playing around long enough.

Allow me to sexplain:

75% of women either CANNOT or RARELY achieve an orgasm without some sort of clitoral stimulation. That means only 25% of women can reach orgasm through regular penetration. Oh. My. God
 I just realized that means there is only a 25% chance a girl will experience an orgasm during regular penetration with her partner.


Sexual intimacy/climax for the majority of women is far more mental than it is physical (at first). We need to feel comfortable, extremely desired and encouraged to explore our sensuality with you before reaching climax. You can easily and steadily build this up with and for us during foreplay.

To me, a great/compatible sexual partner is someone who genuinely cares about the other partner’s sexual well-being/pleasure.

Gents, now knowing what you know, put down your watch and stay/play around a little while longer - maybe even until SHE makes the next move.

K, that was a bit long-winded but obviously a necessary sexplaination.

What is the ideal size?

The answer to this is and isn’t simple. It cannot be translated into a metric because there are two sizes that matter here — his AND hers. Although the majority of women who responded to this said that the length doesn’t matter as much as his over all thickness, there is also such thing as too thick. You likely wanted me to show you a number in inches. Sorry, gents, it doesn’t work like that because the ideal size is and will be different based on a woman’s own size and fill preference. But if you need a concrete answer - girth matters.

The top 2 things women want to hear in the bedroom:

Who would have known that expressing and vocalizing enjoyment of pleasure would turn us women on even more?! Just like you gents, we get turned on even more when we hear/see that something we are doing/saying is making our partner feel good.


Like what you see? SAY IT. Enjoying what you feel? SAY IT. Loving the view? DESCRIBE IT. Compliments during sexual intimacy is reassuring and empowering for us. This sort of intimacy can be extremely vulnerable for many women (even if they don’t show their nervousness) so when you meet us with this kind of reassurance, it provides support, empowerment and permission for sexual exploration and expression.

Her name

This was the second most common submission and I agree. This further supports the notion that women want to be empowered in the bedroom. We want to feel extremely desired and encouraged to explore our sensuality with you. When you say our name in this setting it also gives us guidance on your sexual pleasure.

Don’t over do either of these two things. Scatter them throughout the sexperience. Too many compliments could come off as a bit too much.

Should you warn her before finishing in her mouth?

154 out of 198 women (78%) want a VERBAL warning BEFORE you finish off in her mouth.
I believe it was Alexander Bell who said, “before anything else, preparation is the key to success”. Preparation here includes the right breathing technique, position and focus.  

On behalf of the majority of women who voted, in addition to a warning, we would really appreciate feedback on what feels best so we can do more of it because honestly, we don’t want to be down there for more than a max of 15 mins. Even though the majority of women (63%) enjoy giving head, every guy is different in terms of what feels best for him; so verbal guidance on their behalf is very much appreciated. Plus, communicating what feels good is a turn on. It’s empowering/validating for us women to hear that something we’re doing is making our partner feel that sort of pleasure, remember?

Does a woman want you to pull out or finish inside?

Nearly a 50/50 split. 115 out of 233 women (49%) prefer a guy to pull out. Personally, I think either or is a SUPER intimate and risky thing. People underestimate the power of exchanging sexual energy. The more intimate things are, the more energy you give away to and receive from the person you are being intimate with (for better or for worse). But that’s an entirely different discussion, let’s get back on track:

If you’re going to proceed without any barriers, I highly suggest you ask a couple questions beforehand such as: are you on birth control? When is the last time you got tested? I know these aren’t sexy conversations but they are necessary.

Do women enjoy a round 2 or 3?

Contrary to old beliefs such as ‘women are less sexual than men’, yes, we are down for a round 2 or 3 especially if we really like you.


These are both pretty aggressive kinks if you’re jumping right into them without any permission or warning. It’s a tough dance only because I’m a big advocate for leading with confidence in all areas of your life, including in the bedroom. So part of me wants to say confidence is key when entering into these risquĂ© dimensions because women are attracted to confidence (PSA, us ladies are the same as you men in that aspect).

But another part of me wants to say play it safe/sexy and ask your partner what they enjoy. Communication between sexual partners is proven to increase sexual pleasure and satisfaction ;).

Choking: there is a 63% chance your partner is down for some light or aggressive choking.

Booty Play: Is defined as anything bum-related, licking, touching, teasing, etc
 47% of women are open to exploring this sort of thing.



Part 2, DONE! The main things I’d like for ALL men to take away from this is the importance of communication and genuine care for your partner’s sexual well-being and pleasure. It’s SO attractive when a guy communicates his pleasure points and asks his partner about theirs. As mentioned above, it’s proven that communication between partners increases their sexual satisfaction. Non-verbals are great and all but intimacy is SO much more enjoyable when you ask for guidance and communicate your preferences.

There are A LOT of people who receive pleasure just from giving it. Sex should be a mutually pleasurable experience. Care about your partner’s desires, comfort and climax, they’ll do the same right back. If not, you’re with the wrong partner and life’s too short for sex with a selfish partner.

Related Articles:
Sex tips for men part 1
Sex tips for men part 3

Sex tips for men part 4

Thank you to every man who posed a question and to every woman who answered! These articles pushed me wayy out of my comfort zone, but they were so fun to put together!

If you found this series valuable, please share my profile/blog with a friend! Creating these are fun but also SO much work. It would be mean a lot if others received the same value you may have gotten throughout this article.

xX Stephanie








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Hello ladies and gents, welcome back for round 2 😉. As promised, here is part 2 and yes, it’s even juicier. Part of me didn’t want to release this one because the questions were quite
 penetrating (lol). But I know that would be a huge tease and I can’t do that to ya after all the build up via Instagram.

Let’s get right into it, again, shall we?

*Every question, vote, and response came from our instagram community*

The one thing men AREN’T doing to pleasure a woman:

God bless the man who asked this question. 30 women directly responded once I posted this question and of those women, 27 said the same exact thing
 foreplay. Are you shocked? I am, simply because 90% of women said the same thing! That means that men either aren’t initiating/ participating in ANY foreplay or are not playing around long enough.

Allow me to sexplain:

75% of women either CANNOT or RARELY achieve an orgasm without some sort of clitoral stimulation. That means only 25% of women can reach orgasm through regular penetration. Oh. My. God
 I just realized that means there is only a 25% chance a girl will experience an orgasm during regular penetration with her partner.


Sexual intimacy/climax for the majority of women is far more mental than it is physical (at first). We need to feel comfortable, extremely desired and encouraged to explore our sensuality with you before reaching climax. You can easily and steadily build this up with and for us during foreplay.

To me, a great/compatible sexual partner is someone who genuinely cares about the other partner’s sexual well-being/pleasure.

Gents, now knowing what you know, put down your watch and stay/play around a little while longer - maybe even until SHE makes the next move.

K, that was a bit long-winded but obviously a necessary sexplaination.

What is the ideal size?

The answer to this is and isn’t simple. It cannot be translated into a metric because there are two sizes that matter here — his AND hers. Although the majority of women who responded to this said that the length doesn’t matter as much as his over all thickness, there is also such thing as too thick. You likely wanted me to show you a number in inches. Sorry, gents, it doesn’t work like that because the ideal size is and will be different based on a woman’s own size and fill preference. But if you need a concrete answer - girth matters.

The top 2 things women want to hear in the bedroom:

Who would have known that expressing and vocalizing enjoyment of pleasure would turn us women on even more?! Just like you gents, we get turned on even more when we hear/see that something we are doing/saying is making our partner feel good.


Like what you see? SAY IT. Enjoying what you feel? SAY IT. Loving the view? DESCRIBE IT. Compliments during sexual intimacy is reassuring and empowering for us. This sort of intimacy can be extremely vulnerable for many women (even if they don’t show their nervousness) so when you meet us with this kind of reassurance, it provides support, empowerment and permission for sexual exploration and expression.

Her name

This was the second most common submission and I agree. This further supports the notion that women want to be empowered in the bedroom. We want to feel extremely desired and encouraged to explore our sensuality with you. When you say our name in this setting it also gives us guidance on your sexual pleasure.

Don’t over do either of these two things. Scatter them throughout the sexperience. Too many compliments could come off as a bit too much.

Should you warn her before finishing in her mouth?

154 out of 198 women (78%) want a VERBAL warning BEFORE you finish off in her mouth.
I believe it was Alexander Bell who said, “before anything else, preparation is the key to success”. Preparation here includes the right breathing technique, position and focus.  

On behalf of the majority of women who voted, in addition to a warning, we would really appreciate feedback on what feels best so we can do more of it because honestly, we don’t want to be down there for more than a max of 15 mins. Even though the majority of women (63%) enjoy giving head, every guy is different in terms of what feels best for him; so verbal guidance on their behalf is very much appreciated. Plus, communicating what feels good is a turn on. It’s empowering/validating for us women to hear that something we’re doing is making our partner feel that sort of pleasure, remember?

Does a woman want you to pull out or finish inside?

Nearly a 50/50 split. 115 out of 233 women (49%) prefer a guy to pull out. Personally, I think either or is a SUPER intimate and risky thing. People underestimate the power of exchanging sexual energy. The more intimate things are, the more energy you give away to and receive from the person you are being intimate with (for better or for worse). But that’s an entirely different discussion, let’s get back on track:

If you’re going to proceed without any barriers, I highly suggest you ask a couple questions beforehand such as: are you on birth control? When is the last time you got tested? I know these aren’t sexy conversations but they are necessary.

Do women enjoy a round 2 or 3?

Contrary to old beliefs such as ‘women are less sexual than men’, yes, we are down for a round 2 or 3 especially if we really like you.


These are both pretty aggressive kinks if you’re jumping right into them without any permission or warning. It’s a tough dance only because I’m a big advocate for leading with confidence in all areas of your life, including in the bedroom. So part of me wants to say confidence is key when entering into these risquĂ© dimensions because women are attracted to confidence (PSA, us ladies are the same as you men in that aspect).

But another part of me wants to say play it safe/sexy and ask your partner what they enjoy. Communication between sexual partners is proven to increase sexual pleasure and satisfaction ;).

Choking: there is a 63% chance your partner is down for some light or aggressive choking.

Booty Play: Is defined as anything bum-related, licking, touching, teasing, etc
 47% of women are open to exploring this sort of thing.



Part 2, DONE! The main things I’d like for ALL men to take away from this is the importance of communication and genuine care for your partner’s sexual well-being and pleasure. It’s SO attractive when a guy communicates his pleasure points and asks his partner about theirs. As mentioned above, it’s proven that communication between partners increases their sexual satisfaction. Non-verbals are great and all but intimacy is SO much more enjoyable when you ask for guidance and communicate your preferences.

There are A LOT of people who receive pleasure just from giving it. Sex should be a mutually pleasurable experience. Care about your partner’s desires, comfort and climax, they’ll do the same right back. If not, you’re with the wrong partner and life’s too short for sex with a selfish partner.

Related Articles:
Sex tips for men part 1
Sex tips for men part 3

Sex tips for men part 4

Thank you to every man who posed a question and to every woman who answered! These articles pushed me wayy out of my comfort zone, but they were so fun to put together!

If you found this series valuable, please share my profile/blog with a friend! Creating these are fun but also SO much work. It would be mean a lot if others received the same value you may have gotten throughout this article.

xX Stephanie








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