This is How a Relationship Affects Your Health

#Dating + Relationships

It’s not just about being in a relationship, it’s the q u a l i t y of it. If you have an emotional bond with someone, the quality of your relationship is vital to every aspect of your health (mental, emotional AND physical).

I’m talking about unhealthy relationships - if your needs are not being met, distress arises and in turn, (verbal/ nonverbal) conflict presents itself, and if left unsolved without knowing the deepest root of your conflict (primal needs not being met) this causes anxiety and often depression. Elevated stress hormones, anxiety, depression and self doubt all have their own adverse effects— IE: diseases, weight gain/ loss, etc… If you’re in a relationship that has you feeling more lows than highs, I want to encourage you to figure out your primal needs, vocalize them and observe.

Most people view dependency/ episodes of insecurities as a weakness. What you may not realize is that we are biologically engineered to depend on others, in fact, this was a survival strategy. IE: Hunters and gatherers... or simply depending on our mother. If your partner is unable to meet your basic primal needs: security/ reassurance/ affection (everyone differs from what/ how much is needed to satisfy) your body will feel the effects of the distress just as much as your mind will.

If your partner is unable to meet your needs after communicating them, please leave for your own well-being. It is not your responsibility to change someone if they cannot meet your needs. IF you’re seeking a relationship, it is your responsibility to find someone who can meet your needs for your own well-being. And I promise, you will find someone who will recognize, respect and feed your needs if you openly share them. You’ll know you’ve found this person when they are emotionally responsive to your needs, and in turn you feel supported which actually makes you more independent throughout life. I don’t want to use the word ‘selfish’ because it sounds very egoic, so lets go with mindful. Please be so damn mindful when choosing a partner. It will effect your mind/ body/ spirit, and that is sacred af.  

Stephanie Daily

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It’s not just about being in a relationship, it’s the q u a l i t y of it. If you have an emotional bond with someone, the quality of your relationship is vital to every aspect of your health (mental, emotional AND physical).

I’m talking about unhealthy relationships - if your needs are not being met, distress arises and in turn, (verbal/ nonverbal) conflict presents itself, and if left unsolved without knowing the deepest root of your conflict (primal needs not being met) this causes anxiety and often depression. Elevated stress hormones, anxiety, depression and self doubt all have their own adverse effects— IE: diseases, weight gain/ loss, etc… If you’re in a relationship that has you feeling more lows than highs, I want to encourage you to figure out your primal needs, vocalize them and observe.

Most people view dependency/ episodes of insecurities as a weakness. What you may not realize is that we are biologically engineered to depend on others, in fact, this was a survival strategy. IE: Hunters and gatherers... or simply depending on our mother. If your partner is unable to meet your basic primal needs: security/ reassurance/ affection (everyone differs from what/ how much is needed to satisfy) your body will feel the effects of the distress just as much as your mind will.

If your partner is unable to meet your needs after communicating them, please leave for your own well-being. It is not your responsibility to change someone if they cannot meet your needs. IF you’re seeking a relationship, it is your responsibility to find someone who can meet your needs for your own well-being. And I promise, you will find someone who will recognize, respect and feed your needs if you openly share them. You’ll know you’ve found this person when they are emotionally responsive to your needs, and in turn you feel supported which actually makes you more independent throughout life. I don’t want to use the word ‘selfish’ because it sounds very egoic, so lets go with mindful. Please be so damn mindful when choosing a partner. It will effect your mind/ body/ spirit, and that is sacred af.  

Stephanie Daily

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It’s not just about being in a relationship, it’s the q u a l i t y of it. If you have an emotional bond with someone, the quality of your relationship is vital to every aspect of your health (mental, emotional AND physical).

I’m talking about unhealthy relationships - if your needs are not being met, distress arises and in turn, (verbal/ nonverbal) conflict presents itself, and if left unsolved without knowing the deepest root of your conflict (primal needs not being met) this causes anxiety and often depression. Elevated stress hormones, anxiety, depression and self doubt all have their own adverse effects— IE: diseases, weight gain/ loss, etc… If you’re in a relationship that has you feeling more lows than highs, I want to encourage you to figure out your primal needs, vocalize them and observe.

Most people view dependency/ episodes of insecurities as a weakness. What you may not realize is that we are biologically engineered to depend on others, in fact, this was a survival strategy. IE: Hunters and gatherers... or simply depending on our mother. If your partner is unable to meet your basic primal needs: security/ reassurance/ affection (everyone differs from what/ how much is needed to satisfy) your body will feel the effects of the distress just as much as your mind will.

If your partner is unable to meet your needs after communicating them, please leave for your own well-being. It is not your responsibility to change someone if they cannot meet your needs. IF you’re seeking a relationship, it is your responsibility to find someone who can meet your needs for your own well-being. And I promise, you will find someone who will recognize, respect and feed your needs if you openly share them. You’ll know you’ve found this person when they are emotionally responsive to your needs, and in turn you feel supported which actually makes you more independent throughout life. I don’t want to use the word ‘selfish’ because it sounds very egoic, so lets go with mindful. Please be so damn mindful when choosing a partner. It will effect your mind/ body/ spirit, and that is sacred af.  

Stephanie Daily

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