Do Women Masturbate

#Dating + Relationships

Do women masturbate?

Based on 329 women who voted.

91% OF WOMEN MASTURBATE. I believe that number might be higher but shoutout to all the brave ladies who submitted their vote! This has been and still is a very taboo topic. So obviously leave it to me to research and give you the juicy scoop.

These are some words that come to mind when I think of self-pleasure: empowerment, self-acceptance, pain/stress relief, clarity, exploration, knowledge, body-awareness, pleasure.

These are other words that come to mind: shame, guilt, taboo, hush hush, inappropriate.

PSA: self-pleasure is self-care.

Let’s dig in.

Do women ever experience shame or negative emotions after masturbating?

Based on 298 women who voted.

Why is it so common/ accepted and even expected for men to self-pleasure? Why is it so taboo to talk about this topic? Why am I hearing that I’m “brave” after bringing light to this if 91% of women partake?

Depending on where you live, how you were raised or who your friends are; self-pleasure is considered to be an actual sin amongst many religions or downright atrocious and unspeakable by conservative people. I was raised in a household that never spoke about sexuality, and I do not recall ever learning about the normalcy of self-touch in sex education. This naturally caused a lot of mystery, allure and secrecy behind the topic and act.

When we are raised and conditioned to believe that something is inappropriate, we are going to have deep suppressed emotions behind that very thing. That is why over 20% of women experience guilt or shame after the fact.

How often do women masturbate?

Based on 296 women who voted.

44% of women self-pleasure a few times a week. Since we’re talking facts, realistic info and normalcy, I’d love to share the benefits of self-touch, for women specifically.

  • It can help you sleep better.
  • It can help reduce painful mensuration cramps.
  • Improves sexual performance/satisfaction because when you know your body and what you like, you’re more likely to achieve orgasm with a partner.
  • It improves your mood by releasing endorphins and serotonin, the 2 neurotransmitters associated with well-being and happiness.
  • It creates body awareness, empowerment and promotes self-acceptance.

How many women use sex toys?

Based on 284 women who voted.

On behalf of the 62% of women who do have toys, we would like to say that you are absolutely missing out and you need them in your life for yourself and your partner.

When I was in college, I was catching with my best friend who attended a different University about 4 hours away. The conversation some how ended up on sex toys/ self-touch. I can’t remember if she told me she had never experienced an orgasm or if she’s never had a toy. Either way, both of these things are unacceptable. So what did I do about it? I bought and sent her a mini vibrator and wrote her a note that read: “Just because California is in a drought, it doesn’t mean that we need to be. Enjoy <3!”.  Yes, she thanked me for it.

Do women watch porn?

Based on 316 women who voted.

72% of women said they watch porn. I believe this number is actually higher but I understand the reservation behind answering this question. Regardless, it’s pretty interesting to see that over 70% of women do in fact watch porn. Men and women aren’t that different after all.

What kind of porn do women watch?

Based on 247 women who voted.

Are you surprised that 67% of women watch girl-on-girl porn? I’m not and I want to clear something up. Just because a woman watches girl-on-girl porn, it does not mean she is a lesbian. Many women are afraid to admit that they browse this genre for the fear that they might question their sexuality or the “classic” - what others may think of them. PSA, Your fantasies do not define your sexuality. I’m here alongside Sex With Emily to let you now that women are attracted to watching girl-on-girl because it depicts a different essence of sensuality; it shows women being treated well and having amazing orgasms… Two things that are sometimes missing from heterosexual pornography.

When you're in a relationship, do you fantasize about your partner or other people?

Based on 280 women who voted.

This was a question one of my friends asked. Pretty interesting to know that 77% of women typically think of their partner when they self-pleasure.

Thank you to all the women who voted and thank you the friend who encouraged/inspired this article! I hope you found the data/ article insightful. If you loved it, please share it with some friends!


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Do women masturbate?

Based on 329 women who voted.

91% OF WOMEN MASTURBATE. I believe that number might be higher but shoutout to all the brave ladies who submitted their vote! This has been and still is a very taboo topic. So obviously leave it to me to research and give you the juicy scoop.

These are some words that come to mind when I think of self-pleasure: empowerment, self-acceptance, pain/stress relief, clarity, exploration, knowledge, body-awareness, pleasure.

These are other words that come to mind: shame, guilt, taboo, hush hush, inappropriate.

PSA: self-pleasure is self-care.

Let’s dig in.

Do women ever experience shame or negative emotions after masturbating?

Based on 298 women who voted.

Why is it so common/ accepted and even expected for men to self-pleasure? Why is it so taboo to talk about this topic? Why am I hearing that I’m “brave” after bringing light to this if 91% of women partake?

Depending on where you live, how you were raised or who your friends are; self-pleasure is considered to be an actual sin amongst many religions or downright atrocious and unspeakable by conservative people. I was raised in a household that never spoke about sexuality, and I do not recall ever learning about the normalcy of self-touch in sex education. This naturally caused a lot of mystery, allure and secrecy behind the topic and act.

When we are raised and conditioned to believe that something is inappropriate, we are going to have deep suppressed emotions behind that very thing. That is why over 20% of women experience guilt or shame after the fact.

How often do women masturbate?

Based on 296 women who voted.

44% of women self-pleasure a few times a week. Since we’re talking facts, realistic info and normalcy, I’d love to share the benefits of self-touch, for women specifically.

  • It can help you sleep better.
  • It can help reduce painful mensuration cramps.
  • Improves sexual performance/satisfaction because when you know your body and what you like, you’re more likely to achieve orgasm with a partner.
  • It improves your mood by releasing endorphins and serotonin, the 2 neurotransmitters associated with well-being and happiness.
  • It creates body awareness, empowerment and promotes self-acceptance.

How many women use sex toys?

Based on 284 women who voted.

On behalf of the 62% of women who do have toys, we would like to say that you are absolutely missing out and you need them in your life for yourself and your partner.

When I was in college, I was catching with my best friend who attended a different University about 4 hours away. The conversation some how ended up on sex toys/ self-touch. I can’t remember if she told me she had never experienced an orgasm or if she’s never had a toy. Either way, both of these things are unacceptable. So what did I do about it? I bought and sent her a mini vibrator and wrote her a note that read: “Just because California is in a drought, it doesn’t mean that we need to be. Enjoy <3!”.  Yes, she thanked me for it.

Do women watch porn?

Based on 316 women who voted.

72% of women said they watch porn. I believe this number is actually higher but I understand the reservation behind answering this question. Regardless, it’s pretty interesting to see that over 70% of women do in fact watch porn. Men and women aren’t that different after all.

What kind of porn do women watch?

Based on 247 women who voted.

Are you surprised that 67% of women watch girl-on-girl porn? I’m not and I want to clear something up. Just because a woman watches girl-on-girl porn, it does not mean she is a lesbian. Many women are afraid to admit that they browse this genre for the fear that they might question their sexuality or the “classic” - what others may think of them. PSA, Your fantasies do not define your sexuality. I’m here alongside Sex With Emily to let you now that women are attracted to watching girl-on-girl because it depicts a different essence of sensuality; it shows women being treated well and having amazing orgasms… Two things that are sometimes missing from heterosexual pornography.

When you're in a relationship, do you fantasize about your partner or other people?

Based on 280 women who voted.

This was a question one of my friends asked. Pretty interesting to know that 77% of women typically think of their partner when they self-pleasure.

Thank you to all the women who voted and thank you the friend who encouraged/inspired this article! I hope you found the data/ article insightful. If you loved it, please share it with some friends!


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Do women masturbate?

Based on 329 women who voted.

91% OF WOMEN MASTURBATE. I believe that number might be higher but shoutout to all the brave ladies who submitted their vote! This has been and still is a very taboo topic. So obviously leave it to me to research and give you the juicy scoop.

These are some words that come to mind when I think of self-pleasure: empowerment, self-acceptance, pain/stress relief, clarity, exploration, knowledge, body-awareness, pleasure.

These are other words that come to mind: shame, guilt, taboo, hush hush, inappropriate.

PSA: self-pleasure is self-care.

Let’s dig in.

Do women ever experience shame or negative emotions after masturbating?

Based on 298 women who voted.

Why is it so common/ accepted and even expected for men to self-pleasure? Why is it so taboo to talk about this topic? Why am I hearing that I’m “brave” after bringing light to this if 91% of women partake?

Depending on where you live, how you were raised or who your friends are; self-pleasure is considered to be an actual sin amongst many religions or downright atrocious and unspeakable by conservative people. I was raised in a household that never spoke about sexuality, and I do not recall ever learning about the normalcy of self-touch in sex education. This naturally caused a lot of mystery, allure and secrecy behind the topic and act.

When we are raised and conditioned to believe that something is inappropriate, we are going to have deep suppressed emotions behind that very thing. That is why over 20% of women experience guilt or shame after the fact.

How often do women masturbate?

Based on 296 women who voted.

44% of women self-pleasure a few times a week. Since we’re talking facts, realistic info and normalcy, I’d love to share the benefits of self-touch, for women specifically.

  • It can help you sleep better.
  • It can help reduce painful mensuration cramps.
  • Improves sexual performance/satisfaction because when you know your body and what you like, you’re more likely to achieve orgasm with a partner.
  • It improves your mood by releasing endorphins and serotonin, the 2 neurotransmitters associated with well-being and happiness.
  • It creates body awareness, empowerment and promotes self-acceptance.

How many women use sex toys?

Based on 284 women who voted.

On behalf of the 62% of women who do have toys, we would like to say that you are absolutely missing out and you need them in your life for yourself and your partner.

When I was in college, I was catching with my best friend who attended a different University about 4 hours away. The conversation some how ended up on sex toys/ self-touch. I can’t remember if she told me she had never experienced an orgasm or if she’s never had a toy. Either way, both of these things are unacceptable. So what did I do about it? I bought and sent her a mini vibrator and wrote her a note that read: “Just because California is in a drought, it doesn’t mean that we need to be. Enjoy <3!”.  Yes, she thanked me for it.

Do women watch porn?

Based on 316 women who voted.

72% of women said they watch porn. I believe this number is actually higher but I understand the reservation behind answering this question. Regardless, it’s pretty interesting to see that over 70% of women do in fact watch porn. Men and women aren’t that different after all.

What kind of porn do women watch?

Based on 247 women who voted.

Are you surprised that 67% of women watch girl-on-girl porn? I’m not and I want to clear something up. Just because a woman watches girl-on-girl porn, it does not mean she is a lesbian. Many women are afraid to admit that they browse this genre for the fear that they might question their sexuality or the “classic” - what others may think of them. PSA, Your fantasies do not define your sexuality. I’m here alongside Sex With Emily to let you now that women are attracted to watching girl-on-girl because it depicts a different essence of sensuality; it shows women being treated well and having amazing orgasms… Two things that are sometimes missing from heterosexual pornography.

When you're in a relationship, do you fantasize about your partner or other people?

Based on 280 women who voted.

This was a question one of my friends asked. Pretty interesting to know that 77% of women typically think of their partner when they self-pleasure.

Thank you to all the women who voted and thank you the friend who encouraged/inspired this article! I hope you found the data/ article insightful. If you loved it, please share it with some friends!


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